[Cartoweb-users] PDF problems (long)

giuseppe.derossi at email.it giuseppe.derossi at email.it
Sat Sep 9 05:39:28 EDT 2006

sorry if this is the second post... but I've not yet seen posted my first
one .
This is the exportPdf.ini elaborated on the fly (I've deleted some users'
info for privacy, anyway hope to get agree for next publication for your
kind feedback)

The problem I've found is a weird intraction between inNewPage, zIndex and
weight parametres. It's so probalbly there is a mistake in the .ini but I
can't found it.
At the moment, my aim consists on printing a variable number of pages which
contain the user's info and another set of block (one for page) which
contains laws and rules ( a text ). I solved the first problem by
elaborating the pdf.ini and adding in it on the fly the necessary info
(block0, block1 , etc...), so I thought to use the same solution to get
printed text info. Well both if I add the text in the pdf.ini and I read a
file, the new text blocks are ignored. THsth's so strange because the system
is the same.
At the moment after user's info I can add only a text page  by using the
inLastPages then no more.

is there anyone who has an idea / solution ? is there a maximum number of
blocks to be managed ?

As my user's feedback the pdf engine is important in many situation, at the
moment managing it is a bit complex... It could be interesting adding a .doc
file (from winword) in the pdf engine features.

 I've tryed many combination of zIndex and inNewPage inLastPages and weight
-> nothing to do: text_prg and text_prg_1 are ignored . That the faulty

general settings
general.formats = A4, A3, A3full
general.defaultFormat = A4
general.resolutions = 96, 150
general.defaultResolution = 96
general.overviewScaleFactor = 10
general.defaultOrientation = portrait

general.pdfEngine = CwFpdf
general.pdfVersion = 1.3
general.output = redirection
general.filename = "map-[date,dMY-Hi].pdf"
general.distUnit = mm
general.horizontalMargin = 10
general.verticalMargin = 10
general.allowedRoles = canprint

; formats settings
formats.A4.label = A4
formats.A4.bigDimension = 297
formats.A4.smallDimension = 210

formats.A3.label = A3
formats.A3.bigDimension = 420
formats.A3.smallDimension = 297
formats.A3.horizontalMargin = 30
formats.A3.verticalMargin = 30
formats.A3.maxResolution = 96
formats.A3.allowedRoles = all

formats.A3full.label = A3full
formats.A3full.bigDimension = 420
formats.A3full.smallDimension = 297
formats.A3full.horizontalMargin = 30
formats.A3full.verticalMargin = 30
formats.A3full.maxResolution = 150
formats.A3full.allowedRoles = demo

; blocks default settings
template.type = text
template.fontFamily = times
template.fontSize = 12
template.fontItalic = false
template.fontBold = false
template.color = black
template.backgroundColor = white
template.borderWidth = 0.25
template.borderColor = black
template.borderStyle = solid
template.padding = 3
template.horizontalMargin = 0
template.verticalMargin = 0
template.horizontalBasis = left
template.verticalBasis = top
template.hCentered = false
template.zIndex = 1
template.textAlign = center
template.verticalAlign = center
template.orientation = horizontal

; customized blocks 
blocks.Nome_Comune.type = text
blocks.Nome_Comune.content = "  
blocks.Nome_Comune.verticalBasis = bottom
blocks.Nome_Comune.horizontalBasis = center
blocks.Nome_Comune.verticalMargin = 275
; 100
blocks.Nome_Comune.horizontalMargin = 50
blocks.Nome_Comune.padding = 4
blocks.Nome_Comune.zIndex = 1
blocks.Nome_Comune.orientation = horizontal
blocks.Nome_Comune.borderWidth = 0.4;
blocks.Nome_Comune.backgroundColor = #eeeeee
blocks.Nome_Comune.weight = 1
blocks.Nome_Comune.height = 5
blocks.Nome_Comune.multiPage = true

; blocks settings
blocks.title.zIndex = 2
blocks.title.weight = 10
blocks.title.verticalBasis = top
blocks.title.verticalMargin = 29
blocks.title.horizontalMargin = 10
;blocks.title.hCentered = true
blocks.title.fontSize = 10
blocks.title.fontItalic = true
blocks.title.fontBold = true
blocks.title.fontUnderline = true
;blocks.title.backgroundColor = #eeeeee
blocks.title.height = 10

blocks.mainmap.zIndex = 0
;blocks.mainmap.weight = 50
blocks.mainmap.height = 150
blocks.mainmap.padding = 1
blocks.mainmap.verticalMargin = 40
blocks.mainmap.horizontalMargin = 10

blocks.overview.padding = 0
blocks.overview.parent = mainmap
blocks.overview.width = 50
blocks.overview.height = 40
blocks.overview.weight = 10

blocks.scalebar.padding = 2
blocks.scalebar.inFlow = false
blocks.scalebar.parent = mainmap
blocks.scalebar.verticalBasis = bottom
blocks.scalebar.horizontalBasis = right

blocks.note.zIndex = 3
blocks.note.weight = 30
blocks.note.height = 8
blocks.note.hCentered = true
blocks.note.verticalBasis = bottom
blocks.note.borderWidth = 0;
blocks.note.multiPage = true
blocks.note.horizontalMargin = 10
blocks.note.verticalMargin = 0

blocks.copyright.content = "Copyright"
blocks.copyright.height = 3
blocks.copyright.verticalBasis = bottom
blocks.copyright.horizontalBasis = right
blocks.copyright.verticalMargin = 10
blocks.copyright.horizontalMargin = 0
blocks.copyright.padding = 0
blocks.copyright.zIndex = 15
blocks.copyright.orientation = vertical
blocks.copyright.borderWidth = 0;
blocks.copyright.multiPage = true

blocks.tableCaption.backgroundColor = #999999
blocks.tableCaption.color = white
blocks.tableCaption.height = 6
blocks.tableCaption.width = 100

blocks.tableHeaders.backgroundColor = #bbbbbb
blocks.tableHeaders.fontBold = true
blocks.tableHeaders.color = #eeeeee
blocks.tableHeaders.width = 100

blocks.legend.type = legend
blocks.legend.zIndex = 1
blocks.legend.weight = 40
blocks.legend.fontSize = 8
blocks.legend.height = 5
blocks.legend.width = 50
blocks.legend.padding = 1.5
blocks.legend.verticalMargin = 10
blocks.legend.horizontalMargin = 10
;blocks.legend.content = "!nix"

blocks.page.multiPage = true
blocks.page.borderWidth = 0
blocks.page.verticalBasis = bottom
blocks.page.horizontalMargin = 10
blocks.page.verticalMargin = 3
blocks.page.padding = 0
blocks.page.height = 6
blocks.page.zIndex = 6

blocks.logo.type = image
;blocks.logo.content = htdocs/gfx/layout/image001.png
blocks.logo.content = projects/cittadiutopia/htdocs/gfx/layout/image001.png
blocks.logo.width = 15
blocks.logo.height = 20
blocks.logo.padding = 0
;blocks.logo.parent = mainmap
;blocks.logo.inFlow = true
blocks.logo.horizontalBasis = right
blocks.logo.inFlow = false
blocks.logo.horizontalMargin = 15
blocks.logo.verticalMargin = 0
; 160
blocks.logo.multiPage = true

blocks.scaleval.zIndex = 4
blocks.scaleval.height = 6
blocks.scaleval.horizontalBasis = right
blocks.scaleval.borderWidth = 0.25
blocks.scaleval.horizontalMargin = 10
blocks.scaleval.verticalMargin = 45
blocks.scaleval.padding = 1

blocks.tlcoords.content = xy
blocks.tlcoords.zIndex = 4
blocks.tlcoords.height = 6
blocks.tlcoords.borderWidth = 0.25
blocks.tlcoords.padding = 1
blocks.tlcoords.inFlow = false
blocks.tlcoords.verticalMargin = 45
; 13
blocks.tlcoords.horizontalMargin = 15

blocks.brcoords.content = xy
blocks.brcoords.zIndex = 4
blocks.brcoords.height = 6
blocks.brcoords.borderWidth = 0.25
blocks.brcoords.padding = 0
blocks.brcoords.inFlow = false
blocks.brcoords.verticalBasis = bottom
blocks.brcoords.horizontalBasis = right
blocks.brcoords.verticalMargin = 90
blocks.brcoords.horizontalMargin = 10

blocks.blocco0.inNewPage = false 
blocks.blocco0.type = text 
blocks.blocco0.textAlign = left 
blocks.blocco0.borderWidth = 0 
blocks.blocco0.content =   "   DATI  " 
blocks.blocco0.height = 5 
blocks.blocco0.verticalBasis = top 
blocks.blocco0.horizontalBasis = left 
blocks.blocco0.verticalMargin = 200 
blocks.blocco0.horizontalMargin = 10 
blocks.blocco0.padding = 0 
blocks.blocco0.zIndex = 7 
blocks.blocco0.orientation = horizontal 

blocks.blocco1.inNewPage = true 
blocks.blocco1.type = text 
blocks.blocco1.borderWidth = 0 
blocks.blocco1.content =   " Dati 1  " 
blocks.blocco1.height = 5 
blocks.blocco1.verticalBasis = top 
blocks.blocco1.textAlign = left 
blocks.blocco1.horizontalBasis = left 
blocks.blocco1.verticalMargin = 60 
blocks.blocco1.horizontalMargin = 10 
blocks.blocco1.padding = 0 
blocks.blocco1.zIndex = 7 
blocks.blocco1.orientation = horizontal 

blocks.blocco2.inNewPage = true 
blocks.blocco2.type = text 
blocks.blocco2.borderWidth = 0 
blocks.blocco2.content =   " Dati 2
blocks.blocco2.height = 5 
blocks.blocco2.verticalBasis = top 
blocks.blocco2.textAlign = left 
blocks.blocco2.horizontalBasis = left 
blocks.blocco2.verticalMargin = 60 
blocks.blocco2.horizontalMargin = 10 
blocks.blocco2.padding = 0 
blocks.blocco2.zIndex = 7 
blocks.blocco2.orientation = horizontal 

blocks.text_prg.inNewPage = true
blocks.text_prg.type = text
blocks.text_prg.textAlign = left
blocks.text_prg.borderWidth = false
blocks.text_prg.content = "file~C:\path\file_1"
blocks.text_prg.height = 4
blocks.text_prg.verticalBasis = top
blocks.text_prg.verticalMargin = 30
blocks.text_prg.horizontalMargin = 10
blocks.text_prg.padding = 1
blocks.text_prg.zIndex = 16
blocks.text_prg.orientation = horizontal
blocks.text_prg.fontSize = 10

blocks.text_prg_1.inNewPage = true
blocks.text_prg_1.type = text
blocks.text_prg_1.textAlign = left
blocks.text_prg_1.borderWidth = false
blocks.text_prg_1.content = "file~C:\path\file_2"
blocks.text_prg_1.height = 4
blocks.text_prg_1.verticalBasis = top
blocks.text_prg_1.verticalMargin = 30
blocks.text_prg_1.horizontalMargin = 10
blocks.text_prg_1.padding = 1
blocks.text_prg_1.zIndex = 16
blocks.text_prg_1.orientation = horizontal
blocks.text_prg_1.fontSize = 10

 general.activatedBlocks = Nome_Comune, mainmap, title, note, scalebar,
overview, copyright, queryResult, page, legend, scaleval, tlcoords,
brcoords, logo,  blocco0 , blocco1 , blocco2 , text_prg ,text_prg_1  

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