[Cartoweb-users] Plugin locate - How do I get a colored result + table result / Recenter on coordinate - no crosshair show on recenter on coordinate

Oliver Christen oliver.christen at camptocamp.com
Tue Apr 10 10:10:27 EDT 2007

> Concerning the crosshair symbol, the documentation speak about a symbolset 
> file. The only one I got is the symbol.txt from one of the demo. Is it the 
> same file ?

most probably
verify that this file is referenced in the mapfile as SYMBOLSET 
and also verify it contain a cross symbol
if not, copy this:
  NAME "cross"
  TYPE vector
    2 0
    2 4
    -99 -99
    0 2
    4 2

> I got the outline plugin working fine so my lyaer outline_point is present 
> in the map file.
> As for the recenterDefaultScale, I will try.
> Thanks again
> Véronique

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