[Cartoweb-users] Re : query plugin

Véro Herzl - Bluewin veroh at bluewin.ch
Sat Apr 28 05:04:56 EDT 2007


Just a question, did you change your cartoclient.tpl (the template file 
which is in the directory template of the project).
If not, maybe you should add the fact that a table_result should appear 
somewhere on your webpage.

It should be something like that :
            {if $selection_result|default:''}
            {if $query_result|default:''}
            {if $tables_result|default:''}
                <div id="tables_result">

Look in the cartoclient.tpl of the different projects like domePlugins 
to see other example of the cartoclient.tpl

Be careful that if you have ajax on or no, then the stuff you got to put 
in the cartoclient.tpl for the table result is not the same. The example 
upper is if you DON'T have ajax on.

On the contrary, if you got ajax on, then it is different (sorry but I 
don't got the project with ajax right here, but if you did download the 
demoCW3 with cvs, then you should got the template with ajax I guess.

Well, if this helps, good. If not, maybe a bit more information ?

Anyway as they always said at some point in the mail on this forum, 
don't forget to run the cw3setup.php. including with the --clean option.


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