[Cartoweb-users] dropdown missing, client.php empty. Failure: no className

Sebastian Walter sebastian.walter at fu-berlin.de
Fri Oct 19 10:31:47 EDT 2007


it's me again. I'm stuck following the howto page on

After setting up the project, I'm supposed to enter
http://mapserver.geoinf.fu-berlin.de/cartoweb3/htdocs/client.php for
getting a dropdown list to choose my project. But everything I get is an
empty (white) page. If I call the project with

the project is loaded, but after adding the demo data "reg_france", a
Failure is thrown:

CartoWeb version: 3.4.0 [$Revision: 1.7 $]
class:   SoapFaultWrapper
message:   Object to unserialize has no className attribute, and no
class name was given

This is my layers.ini:

; whether to generate class icons automatically
autoClassLegend = true

; layers
;layers.root.className = LayerGroup
;layers.root.children =
layers.root.children = region
layers.root.rendering = block

layers.regions.className = Layer
layers.region.label = Regions
layers.region.msLayer = region

Any help? Thanks in advance!


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