[Cartoweb-users] Re: modify layers.tpl or cartoclient.tpl or CSS ??

MB mariange at geog.utoronto.ca
Wed Feb 6 15:48:28 EST 2008

I have tried the following with little success
first -
created left right div in folders.css

second -
modified cartoclient.tpl as follows

<div id="container">
     <!-- folder 1 starts here -->
     <div id="folder1" class="folder">
        <div id="left">
         <input type="submit" id="refresh" name="refresh" 
value="{t}Refresh{/t}" class="form_button" />
         </div><!-- left -->
         <div id="right">
   right div test{$layers2}
  </div><!-- right -->
  <div class="clear"></div>

third -
as you may have noticed
i tried to make add layer2. ... elements in layers.ini  - no go

problems :
components of  left and right divs within the folder 1 div
run right over the layers box and beyond the main 100% table defined at 
the start of cartoclient.tpl
any thoughts why that is ?

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