[Cartoweb-users] Proxy problem with WMS layers

CHIRI Christophe Christophe.Chiri at heig-vd.ch
Mon Feb 11 05:33:17 EST 2008

Hi all, 

I have a problem to fetch WMS informations through a proxy.


Here is my error : 


message:   MapServer error: Error in msDrawWMSLayerLow(): WMS GetMap request failed for layer 'suisse' (Status -28: TIMEOUT of 30 seconds exceeded.).

Error in msHTTPExecuteRequests(): HTTP: TIMEOUT of 30 seconds exceeded for http://wms.jpl.nasa.gov/browse.cgi?LAYERS=global%5Fmosaic&REQUEST=GetMap&SERVICE=WMS&FORMAT=image%2Fjpeg&HEIGHT=400&VERSION=1.1.1&SRS=EPSG:4326&WIDTH=600&BBOX=6%2E61467346860748%2C46%2E8076274496051%2C6%2E74856133679548%2C46%2E8693681990061&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&EXCEPTIONS=application/vnd.ogc.se_inimage


I configured my apache by adding : SetEnv http_proxy http://myproxy:port into my http.conf file but it doesn't solve my problem.


Do you have another idea ?



Christophe Chiri

Assistant HEV - Sysin

Av des Sports 20

1400 Yverdon-les-Bains

+41 24 557 75 73

christophe.chiri at heig-vd.ch <mailto:christophe.chiri at heig-vd.ch> 



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