[Cartoweb-users] strange scalebar behaviour

giuseppe.derossi at email.it giuseppe.derossi at email.it
Mon Jan 7 07:23:52 EST 2008

yes I know, and I've been waiting for a reply from mapserver mailing-list.
But I'd like to know if this behaviour is the same in your systems and if,
to you, it's ok.
To me it's a bit strange, becouse in this way if you print the map you can't
easly use the scalebar for a direct measure on the paper.

THanks in advance 


	--------- Original Message --------
	Da: Oliver Christen <oliver.christen at camptocamp.com>
	To: cartoweb-users at lists.maptools.org <cartoweb-users at lists.maptools.org>
	Oggetto: Re: [Cartoweb-users] strange scalebar behaviour
	Data: 07/01/08 08:47
> Hi
> the values displayed in the scalebare are automaticaly handled by
> the only parameters you can changes are the ones specified in the mapfile 
> specifications
> http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/docs/reference/mapfile/scalebar
> the rest is handled by mapserer itself.
> > Hi to all,
> > maybe a bit offtopic, but
> > I don't understand how can I set the settings in order to have a linear
> > standard scale which normalized measure. That is:
> > If I change the value of the scale by typing it I obtain strange value
> > the scale bar and even if I set a steady measure in pixel in the map
> > the length(in pixel) can change.
> > This is an example
> >
> > scale scalebar
> > 10 1
> > 100 10
> > 1000 120 ?
> > 2000 240
> > 4000 480
> > 8000 970 ?
> > 10000 1200
> > 12000 1400
> > 14000 1700
> > 15000 1800
> > 20000 2400
> > 24000 2900
> > 28000 3400
> > 30000 3600
> > 32000 3700
> > 33000 3700
> >
> > I'd like to have a scalebar which takes 1 cm per interval for 10
> > that is 10 cm which can represent 1, 10, 100, 1000 meters according to
> > set scale value. How can I get this ?(The beaviour of scalebar is also
> > affected by the mapsize)
> >
> > Thanks to everybody
> >
> > Giu
> >
> > --
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