[Cartoweb-users] Zooming in after recenter

Alessandro Muzzetta a.muzzetta at i4es.it
Thu Jan 24 07:42:54 EST 2008

Dear Cartoweb users,

I have followed the recentering example in Cartoweb to recenter the map on a
specific (x,y) coordinate.
However, if the map is fully shown, then nothing happens.  Only if it is
already zoomed does the recentering move the map, which is a logical thing.
How can I make the map zoom to a specified level before recentering?

Thanks for any help

Alessandro Muzzetta
IES Solutions Srl
Catania Office
Via Vulcano 10 - I-95030 Gravina di Catania, Italy
Email: a.muzzetta at i4es.it
Phone/Fax: +39 095211640
Skype: alex-tecnia
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