[Cartoweb-users] Plugin Edit - radArray is undefined

Jeff MERCIER jeff.mercier at pays-romans.org
Tue Oct 28 08:43:57 EDT 2008

I tried to use the template of the DemoCW3, in order to modify it for 
include edit plugin and export Pdf  plugin.
You can see the project here:


My template:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset={$charset}" />
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{r 
type=css}cartoweb.css{/r}" title="stylesheet" />
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{r 
type=css}folders.css{/r}" title="stylesheet" />
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/toolPicker.css" />
  {if $layers|default:''}<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{r 
type=css plugin=layers}layers.css{/r}" />{/if}
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{r type=css 
plugin=tables}tables.css{/r}" />
  {if $collapsibleKeymap|default:''}<link rel="stylesheet" 
type="text/css" href="{r type=css}keymap.css{/r}" />{/if}

  <link rel="icon" href="{r type=gfx/layout}cw3.png{/r}" type="image/png" />
  <title>{t}CartoWeb3 - Demonstration{/t}</title>

  <script type="text/javascript" src="{r 
  <script type="text/javascript" src="{r type=js}carto.js{/r}"></script>
  {if $layers|default:''}<script type="text/javascript" src="{r type=js 
  {if $edit_allowed|default:''}<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" 
href="{r type=css plugin=edit}edit.css{/r}" />{/if}
  {if $layerReorder|default:''}<script type="text/javascript" src="{r 
type=js plugin=layerReorder}layerReorder.js{/r}"></script>{/if}
  {if $outline_active|default:''}<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" 
href="{r type=css plugin=outline}outline.css{/r}" />{/if}
  {if $freescale}<script type="text/javascript" src="{r type=js 
  {if $collapsibleKeymap|default:''}<script type="text/javascript" 
src="{r type=js}keymap.js{/r}"></script>
  <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    var hideKeymapMsg = "{t}Collapse keymap{/t}";
    var showKeymapMsg = "{t}Show keymap{/t}";
    var hideKeymap = {$collapseKeymap};
  {include file="cartoclient_ajaxHeader.tpl"}

  {include file="dhtmlcode.tpl"}
  {if $exportPdf|default:''}
  <script type="text/javascript" src="{r type=js 
  <script type="text/javascript" src="{r type=js 
    .switchmenu {literal}{{/literal}
      background-image:url({r type=gfx plugin=layers}switchbgi.png{/r});
    .switchmenu .switchmenu_l {literal}{{/literal}
      background-image:url({r type=gfx plugin=layers}switchbgli.png{/r});
    .switchmenu_r {literal}{{/literal}
      background-image:url({r type=gfx plugin=layers}switchbgri.png{/r});
    .switchmenuactiv {literal}{{/literal}
      background-image:url({r type=gfx plugin=layers}switchbg.png{/r});
    .switchmenuactiv .switchmenu_l {literal}{{/literal}
      background-image:url({r type=gfx plugin=layers}switchbgl.png{/r});
    .switchmenuactiv .switchmenu_r {literal}{{/literal}
      background-image:url({r type=gfx plugin=layers}switchbgr.png{/r});


<!-- header begins here -->
<table width="100%">
<tr><td colspan="2">
<table id="topbanner" border="0"  cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
    <td id="logo"><img src="{r type=gfx/layout}logoc2c.gif{/r}" 
alt="camptocamp" border="0"/></td>
    <td id="title" nowrap="nowrap">{t}RBE - Carto des ZA{/t}</td>
    <td align='right' width="1%">
        <td align='right'>
        {foreach from=$locales item=lang}
        {if $lang == $currentLang}
        <img class="lang_on" name="{$lang}" src="{r 
type=gfx/layout}language_{$lang}.gif{/r}" alt="{$lang}" />
onclick="javascript:doSubmit();"><img class="lang_off" name="{$lang}" 
src="{r type=gfx/layout}language_{$lang}.gif{/r}" alt="{$lang}" /></a>
        <td class="mini" align='right' nowrap="nowrap">
        {if $auth_active|default:''}
        {if $username|default:''}{t}welcome{/t} {$username} - {/if}

<!-- header ends here -->

<form method="post" action="{$selfUrl}" name="carto_form" 
id="carto_form" onsubmit="doSubmit();">
  <input type="image" name="dummy" alt="" id="dummy" />
  <input type="hidden" name="posted" value="1" />
  <input type="hidden" name="js_folder_idx" id="js_folder_idx" 
value="{$jsFolderIdx}" />
  <input type="hidden" name="selection_type" id="selection_type" />
  <input type="hidden" name="selection_coords" id="selection_coords" />
  <input type="hidden" name="features" id="features" />
  <input type="hidden" name="project" id="projects" value="{$project}" />
  {if $collapsibleKeymap|default:''}
  <input type="hidden" name="collapse_keymap" id="collapse_keymap" 
value="{$collapseKeymap}" />
  <input type="hidden" id="fake_reset" name="fake_reset" />
  <input type="hidden" id="fake_query" name="fake_query" />
  {if $outline_active|default:''}
  <div id="content">
    <table id="mapframe" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
       <td align="center">
         <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
             <td colspan="3" valign="top" align="center" width="80%">
               {if $scalebar_path|default:''}
               <img id="scalebar" src="{$scalebar_path}"
               alt="{t}scalebar_alt{/t}" width="{$scalebar_width}"
               height="{$scalebar_height}" title="" />
               {if $scales_active|default:''}
               <div id="recenter_scale_div">
             <td width="80%" align="center">
             <td width="10%" align="center">
               {if $mapsizes_active|default:''}
        <td colspan="3" id="toolbar_row" nowrap="nowrap">
          {include file="toolbar.tpl" group="1" 
          {include file="toolbar.tpl" group="4"}
          <span {if !$exportPdf}style="display:none; "{/if}>
file="toolbar.tpl" group="2"}
        <td><input type="image" src="{r 
type=gfx/layout}north_west.gif{/r}" name="pan_nw" id="pan_nw" alt="NW" 
        <td align="center"><input type="image" src="{r 
type=gfx/layout}north.gif{/r}" name="pan_n" id="pan_n" alt="N" /></td>
        <td><input type="image" src="{r 
type=gfx/layout}north_east.gif{/r}" name="pan_ne" id="pan_ne" alt="NE" 
        <td><input type="image" src="{r type=gfx/layout}west.gif{/r}" 
name="pan_w" id="pan_w" alt="W" /></td>
        <td valign="top">
          {include file="mainmap.tpl"}
        <td><input type="image" src="{r type=gfx/layout}east.gif{/r}" 
name="pan_e" id="pan_e" alt="E" /></td>
          <div id="switchTarget">
          <table width="100%"><tr>
            <td width="50%"><div id="floatGeo" 
class="locationInfo">{t}Coord (m):{/t} %s / %s</div></td>
            <td width="50%" align="right">
              <div id="floatDistance" class="locationInfo"><span 
id="distanceValueLabel">{t}Approx. distance :{/t}</span> %s{if $factor 
== 1000} km{else} m{/if}</div>
              <div id="floatSurface" class="locationInfo"><span 
id="surfaceValueLabel">{t}Approx. area :{/t}</span> %s{if $factor == 
1000} km&sup2;{else} m&sup2;{/if}</div></td>
        <td><input type="image" src="{r 
type=gfx/layout}south_west.gif{/r}" name="pan_sw" id="pan_sw" alt="SW" 
        <td align="center"><input type="image" src="{r 
type=gfx/layout}south.gif{/r}" name="pan_s" id="pan_s" alt="S" /></td>
        <td><input type="image" src="{r 
type=gfx/layout}south_east.gif{/r}" name="pan_se" id="pan_se" alt="SE" 
        <td  colspan="3"><br /></td>

         <td  colspan="3"><br /></td>
       {if $developer_messages|default:''}
       <td colspan="3" align="center">
       <table id="user_message" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" 
            <th align="left" class="messages"><span style="color: green; 
border: 10px; background-color: yellow;">{t} Developer messages {/t}
         <td><div id="developperMsgs">
              {foreach from=$developer_messages item=message}
       {if $user_messages|default:''}
       <td colspan="3" align="center">
        <table id="user_message" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" 
            <th align="left" class="messages">{t}User messages{/t}</th>
                  {foreach from=$user_messages item=message}
    <td  colspan="3"><br /></td>
    <td colspan="3" align="center" class="mini">
      Powered by <a href="http://www.cartoweb.org/" 
target="_blank">CartoWeb {$cw_version.version}</a>
          &copy; <a href="http://www.camptocamp.com/"  
target="_blank">Camptocamp SA</a>

  <div id="leftbar">
      <ul id="tabnav2">
        <li id="label2"><a 
        <li id="label4"><a href="javascript:ontop(4)">{t}About{/t}</a></li>
        <li id="label6"><a href="javascript:ontop(6)">{t}Help 
      <ul id="tabnav1">
        <li id="label1"><a href="javascript:ontop(1)">{t}Themes{/t}</a></li>
        <li id="label3"><a href="javascript:ontop(3)">{t}Search{/t}</a></li>
        <li id="label5"><a 
        <li id="label7"><a href="javascript:ontop(7)">{t}Edit{/t}</a></li>


    <div id="container">
    <!-- folder 1 starts here -->
    <div id="folder1" class="folder">
      <br />
      <div id="layerTree">
      <br />
      <p style="text-align:right; vertical-align:middle;">

        <a href="javascript:ontop(6);">
         <img src="{r type=gfx/layout}help.gif{/r}"
              title="{t}Help{/t}" alt="{t}help{/t}"
        <a href="javascript:resetSession();">
          <img src="{r type=gfx/layout}reset_session.gif{/r}" 
alt="{t}reset session{/t}" title="{t}Reset session{/t}" 
        <input type="submit" id="refresh" name="refresh" value="{t}OK{/t}"
        class="form_button" style="margin-bottom:7px;" />
    <!-- end of folder 1 -->

    <!-- folder 5 starts here -->
    <div id="folder5" class="folder">
       <br />
       {if $exportDxf}{$exportDxf}{/if}
    <!-- end of folder 5 -->

    <!-- folder 4 starts here -->
    <div id="folder4" class="folder">
      <br />
       <legend>{t}Data sources{/t}</legend>
        <li>{t}Nima :{/t} <a target="_blank" 
        <li>{t}Gtopo30 :{/t} <a  target="_blank" 

       <legend>{t}Projection and datums{/t}</legend>
        <li>{t}UTM 32 North{/t}</li>
        <li>{t}WGS 84{/t}</li>
        <li>{t}EPSG 32632{/t}</li>
    <!-- end of folder 4 -->
    <!-- folder 3 starts here -->
    <div id="folder3" class="folder">
      <br />
      {if $hello_active|default:''}
      <p>Hello plugin test: <br />
      {$hello_message} <br />
      <input type="text" name="hello_input" /></p>
      {if $shortcuts_active|default:''}
      {if $recenter_active|default:''}
      {if $id_recenter_active|default:''}
      {if $exporthtml_active|default:''}
      <a href="{$exporthtml_url}" target="print">{t}Print{/t}</a>

      {if $search_active|default:''}

    <!-- end of folder 3 -->
    <!-- folder 2 starts here -->
    <div id="folder2" class="folder">
      <br />
        {if $exportPdf|default:''}
            {t}You are not allowed to print maps{/t},
            {if $auth_active|default:''}
             {t}please{/t} {$auth}.
    <!-- end of folder 2 -->
    <!-- folder 6 starts here -->
    <div id="folder6" class="folder" style="height:550px;">
    <p><i>{t}This demo is an overview of the standard functionalities 
that are somehow visible for an end-user in Cartoweb. To get the most 
out of it, read through this Help guide before starting to 
    <br />
    <table class="table_help" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
        <img src="{r type=gfx/layout/help}tab.gif{/r}" alt="{t}Themes 
tab{/t}" /><strong>&nbsp;{t}Themes tab{/t}</strong><br />
    <p class="help_viewer">
        {t}Cartoweb supports an arbitrarily complex hierarchy of layers, 
with indefinite path.
        The layers which are checked and so selected, are 
displayed.{/t}<br /><br />
        <img src="{r type=gfx/layout/help}refresh.gif{/r}" 
alt="chargement du logo refresh" />
        {t}Once you have chosen your data, click on the OK button, 
located beneath the tab, to update your changes{/t}
    </p><br />
    <table  class="table_help" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
        <img src="{r type=gfx/layout/help}tab.gif{/r}"   alt="{t}Search 
tab{/t}" /><strong>&nbsp;{t}Search tab{/t}</strong><br />
    <p class="help_viewer">
    {t}This tab allows you to move the center of the viewing area on a 
desired location. You can choose this location by three differents ways 
:{/t}<br />
    <img src="{r type=gfx/layout/help}endturn.gif{/r}" alt="{t}pet{/t}" 
/>{t}to select a shortcut to a specific location,{/t}<br />
    <img src="{r type=gfx/layout/help}endturn.gif{/r}" alt="{t}pet{/t}" 
/>{t}to entering the coordinates in the box X and Y (to start the search 
type on the touch {/t}<img src="{r 
type=gfx/layout/help}key_enter.gif{/r}"  alt="chargement du logo 
key_enter" />),<br />
    <img src="{r type=gfx/layout/help}endturn.gif{/r}" alt="{t}pet{/t}" 
/>{t}to do a search on the name. For it, please select the data on which 
you are interested in, type the word or the begining of the word you 
think correspond to a feature of the data and follow the 
instructions.{/t}</p><br />
    <table class="table_help" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
        <img src="{r type=gfx/layout/help}tab.gif{/r}" alt="{t}Outline 
tab{/t}" /><strong>&nbsp;{t}Outline tab{/t}</strong><br />
    <p class="help_viewer">
    {t}In Cartoweb, it is possible to freely draw points, lines, 
rectangles and polygons on the map, and to attach labels to them. These 
features are persistent: they survive panning or zooming.
    This tab allows you to obtain informations on the drawn features and 
to switch on the mask mode, in which everything but the outlined polygon 
is masked, is provided too.{/t}
    <br /><br /><img src="{r 
type=gfx/layout/help}outline_point.gif{/r}"  alt="{t}outline_point{/t}" />
    <img src="{r type=gfx/layout/help}outline_line.gif{/r}"  
alt="{t}outline_line{/t}" />
    <img src="{r type=gfx/layout/help}outline_rectangle.gif{/r}" 
alt="{t}outline_rectangle{/t}" />
    <img src="{r type=gfx/layout/help}outline_poly.gif{/r}" 
alt="{t}outline_polygon{/t}" />
    {t}To draw the desired features, you might use outline 
tools.{/t}</p><br />
    <table class="table_help" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
        <img src="{r type=gfx/layout/help}tab.gif{/r}" alt="{t}Query 
tab{/t}" /><strong>&nbsp;{t}Query tab{/t}</strong><br />
    <p class="help_viewer">
    <img src="{r type=gfx/layout/help}query.gif{/r}" alt="{t}Query{/t}" />
    {t}Using the query tool, you can geographically search for objects. 
Found objects are hilighted and their attributes are displayed.{/t}<br />
    {t}The queries are persistent (i.e. you can add new objects to 
already selected objects).
    Note : {/t}<i>{t}only the layers which are specified questionnable 
by the administrator of the website are concerned by the 
query.{/t}</i><br /><br />
    <!-- {t}This tab allows you to parametrize your search. For each 
layers, which can be interrogated, the following options can be set 
:{/t}<br />
    <img src="{r type=gfx/layout/help}endturn.gif{/r}" alt="{t}pet{/t}" 
/><span class="s">{t}Hilight{/t}</span>{t} : allows to 
activate/desactivate features hilight;{/t}<br />
    <img src="{r type=gfx/layout/help}endturn.gif{/r}" alt="{t}pet{/t}" 
/><span class="s">{t}Attributes{/t}</span>{t} : if it's checked, the 
layers attributes can be requested. Instead, only object IDs will be 
returned;{/t}<br />
    <img src="{r type=gfx/layout/help}endturn.gif{/r}" alt="{t}pet{/t}" 
/><span class="s">{t}Table{/t}</span>{t} : allows to display the query 
result;{/t}<br />
    <img src="{r type=gfx/layout/help}endturn.gif{/r}" alt="{t}pet{/t}" 
/><span class="s">{t}Union selection{/t}</span>{t} : when selecting a 
group of objects, already selected ones are kept selected and no yet 
selected ones are selected;{/t}<br />
    <img src="{r type=gfx/layout/help}endturn.gif{/r}" alt="{t}pet{/t}" 
/><span class="s">{t}Xor{/t}</span>{t} : when selecting a group of 
objects, already selected ones are unselected and no yet selected ones 
are selected (defaut type);{/t}<br />
    <img src="{r type=gfx/layout/help}endturn.gif{/r}" alt="{t}pet{/t}" 
/><span class="s">{t}Intersection{/t}</span>{t} : when selecting a group 
of objects, only already selected are kept selected;{/t}<br />
    <img src="{r type=gfx/layout/help}endturn.gif{/r}" alt="{t}pet{/t}" 
/><span class="s">{t}InQuery{/t}</span>{t} : if it's checked, you force 
query to use this layer;{/t}<br />
    <img src="{r type=gfx/layout/help}endturn.gif{/r}" alt="{t}pet{/t}" 
/><span class="s">{t}Mask{/t}</span>{t} : if it's checked, you apply a 
mask instead of a simple selection. This don't work when using highlight 
mecanism;{/t}<br />
    <br /><i>{t}If "Query all selected layers" option is checked, the 
query will handle all the questionnable layers{/t}</i> -->
    </p><br />
    <table  class="table_help" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
        <img src="{r type=gfx/layout/help}tab.gif{/r}" alt="{t}Print 
tab{/t}" /><strong>&nbsp;{t}Print tab{/t}</strong><br />
    <p class="help_viewer">
    {t}Cartoweb is able to output a PDF document. You can choose in this 
dialog tab, the elements you want to display (scalebar, overview, query 
results, legend) and specify additional options (format and resolutiion, 
orientation, title, note).{/t}
    </p><br />
    <table  class="table_help" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
        <img src="{r type=gfx/layout/help}tab.gif{/r}" alt="{t}About 
tab{/t}" /><strong>&nbsp;{t}About tab{/t}</strong><br />
    <p class="help_viewer">
    {t}This tab give you some informations on the data and the projections.
    All the data are royalty-free. Nima refers to the datasource for the 
vector background and Gtopo30 refers to the datasource for the raster 
    </p><br />
    <table  class="table_help" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
        <img src="{r type=gfx/layout/help}globe.gif{/r}"  
alt="{t}Globe{/t}" /><strong>&nbsp;{t}Mapping tools{/t}</strong><br />
    <p class="help_viewer"><strong>{t}Navigation 
interface{/t}</strong><br />
    {t}There are many possibilities to navigate on the main map, that is 
to change the scale and the position{/t}<br />
    <img src="{r type=gfx/layout/help}endturn.gif{/r}" alt="{t}pet{/t}" 
/>{t}the arrows surrounding the map;{/t}<br />
    <img src="{r type=gfx/layout/help}endturn.gif{/r}" alt="{t}pet{/t}" 
/>{t}the dynamic (i.e. clickable) keymap;{/t}<br />
    <img src="{r type=gfx/layout/help}endturn.gif{/r}" alt="{t}pet{/t}" 
/>{t}the navigation tools (zoom and pan), which are detailled 
below;{/t}<br />
    <img src="{r type=gfx/layout/help}endturn.gif{/r}" alt="{t}pet{/t}" 
/>{t}the drop down menu "Scale";{/t}<br />
    <img src="{r type=gfx/layout/help}endturn.gif{/r}" alt="{t}pet{/t}" 
/>{t}the various options in the "Search" tab.{/t}<br />
    {t}The menu "Mapsize" is self- explanatory.{/t}<br/><br />
    <img src="{r type=gfx/layout/help}zoomin.gif{/r}" alt="{t}zoomin{/t}" />
    {t}The Zoom In tool allows you to focus on a specific, smaller 
region of the Europe area. Click the Zoom In button and then either 
click the map near the center of the region you are interested in or 
click-and-drag a rectangle surrounding the area. The Zoom In tool can be 
used multiple times to move closer and closer to desired regions.{/t}<br />
    <img src="{r type=gfx/layout/help}zoomout.gif{/r}" 
alt="{t}zoomout{/t}" />
    {t}The Zoom Out tool allows you to focus on a larger area of the map 
than is currently displayed. Click the Zoom Out button and then click 
the map near the center of the larger region you are interested in. The 
Zoom Out tool can be used multiple times to view larger and larger 
regions.{/t}<br />
    <img src="{r type=gfx/layout/help}pan.gif{/r}" alt="{t}pan{/t}" 
/>{t}The Pan Map tool allows you to move the center of the viewing area 
without changing the scale of the map. Click the Pan Map button and then 
click and drag the map image to recenter it.{/t}<br />
    <img src="{r type=gfx/layout}fullextent.gif{/r}" 
alt="{t}fullextent{/t}" />{t}The Zoom to Full Extents tool allows you to 
quickly reset the current map view to the entire Europe area. There is 
no need to click on the map to activate this tool - it is activated as 
soon as you click the Zoom to Full Extents button.{/t}</p><br />
    <p class="help_viewer"><strong>{t}Measuring tools{/t}</strong><br />
    <img src="{r type=gfx/layout/help}distance.gif{/r}" 
alt="{t}distance{/t}" /><img src="{r 
type=gfx/layout/help}surface.gif{/r}" alt="{t}area{/t}" />
    {t}Distances and surfaces can be measured on the main map with the 
above tools.{/t}</p><br />
    <table  class="table_help" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
        <strong>{t}Others tools{/t}</strong><br />
    <p class="help_viewer"><img src="{r 
alt="{t}internationalization{/t}" />
    {t}The internationalization tools allow you to switch langage 
(Cartoweb uses gettext for the translation).{/t}
    <br /><br /><img src="{r type=gfx/layout/help}login.jpg{/r}" 
alt="{t}login{/t}" />&nbsp;{t}Access to different elements of Cartoweb 
can be allowed or denied according to who is currently using the 
application. Both functionnalities and data may have access 
restrictions. For this demo, you can access to more rights by using 
login 'demo' and password 'demo'. You can then access to the train data 
and to the print fonctionnalities.{/t}
    <br />
    <hr />
    <p>{t}For more information, you can have a look to the {/t}<a 
target="_blank">{t}Cartoweb documentation{/t}</a></p>
    <!-- end of floder 6 -->
    <!-- folder 7 starts here -->
    <div id="folder7" class="folder" style="height:550px;">
      <br />
        {if $edit_active|default:''}
          {include file="../plugins/edit/templates/edit.tpl"}
        <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" border="0">
        {if $edit_allowed|default:'' && $edit_layer_selected}
          {include file="toolbar.tpl" group=3}
          <input type="checkbox" id="snapping" name="edit_snapping" 
onclick='mainmap.snap("map")' {if 
          <img src="{r type=gfx plugin=edit}edit_snap.gif{/r}" 
title="{t}Allow vertex snapping{/t}" alt="{t}Allow vertex 
snapping{/t}"><br />
          <!--  {include file="toolbar.tpl" group="3"}-->

    <!-- end of folder 7 -->
  </div> <!--container-->
  </div> <!--leftbar-->

{if $edit_allowed|default:''}<div id="edit_div" 
 {if $tables_result|default:''}
{if $toolpicker_active|default:''}
{include file="toolPicker.tpl"}


Oliver Christen a écrit :
> Hi
> radArray correspond to the radio input which allow the user to select 
> an element from the form instead of on the map.
> these should be generated via javascript
> what did you modify in the template ?
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jeff MERCIER" 
> <jeff.mercier at pays-romans.org>
> To: <cartoweb-users at lists.maptools.org>
> Sent: Monday, October 27, 2008 5:28 PM
> Subject: [Cartoweb-users] Plugin Edit - radArray is undefined
>> Hi,
>> I have another problem with my cartoweb project. I have modified the
>> template files, but now, when I want to use the Edit plugin, I can
>> create new object, but when I click on the array in order to complete
>> it, I have a javascript error:
>> radArray is undefined
>> http://localhost/cartoweb/htdocs/edit/js/dhtmlEdit.js
>> Line 447
>> And then, if I want to validate, I have another javascript error:
>> input is undefined
>> http://localhost/cartoweb/htdocs/js/dhtmlInit.js
>> Line 152
>> Can you help me?
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