[Cartoweb-users] legend automatic update

Florian MRVA florian.mrva at scribe-is.fr
Mon Feb 21 09:47:33 EST 2011

Hello the list

I'm back to my project cartoweb.

I have a problem updating display of the legend.

I will explain in detail this problem.

I have a layer "PARCELLE" in a basic blue color.

I developed a plugin that based on elements will perform classification.
All this is achieved by mapscript with this function:

$msMap = $this->serverContext->getMapObj();

//on test en premier lieu le fait que l'on affiche les parcelles ou pas
if (!($this->couchesConnexions[0]== '')){
$layerParcelle = $msMap->getLayerByName($this->couchesConnexions[0]);

$classFondCarte = $layerParcelle->getClass(0);

$nombreClassSelection = sizeof($this->listeSelectionParcelles);
if (!($nombreClassSelection ==0)){

$classSelection = ms_newClassObj($layerParcelle);

$objetSelection = $this->listeSelectionParcelles[$i];


$labelSelection = $classSelection->label;

$labelSelection->color->setRGB(255, 255, 255);
$labelSelection->outlinecolor->setRGB(0, 0, 0);

$styleSelection = ms_newStyleObj($classSelection);
$objetSelection->couleurFond->vert, $objetSelection->couleurFond->bleu);
$objetSelection->couleurCadre->vert, $objetSelection->couleurCadre->bleu);

$nombreParcelles = sizeof($objetSelection->listeId);

if ($nombreParcelles == 0){
$filtreSelection = '(';
$operateurOu ='';

$filtreSelection .= $operateurOu;
$filtreSelection .= '( "['. $objetSelection->listeRubriquesFiltre[$j] 
.']" eq "'. $objetSelection->listeId[$j] .'" )';
$operateurOu = ' OR ';
$filtreSelection .= ')';



The map is correctly updated, but i want to update the legend 
automatically, but !!!! Idon't know do that!!

Thank alot


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