[Chameleon-dev] Bug Targeting

Paul Spencer pagameba at magma.ca
Thu Jul 8 17:20:32 EDT 2004


thanks for doing this, it's quite a job (I know :))

I have gone through all the beta2 bugs and addressed them (except bug 
500 which I think is user error).  So I am going to freeze beta 2 now 
and start preparing a release package, this will take me some time as 
there were lots of changes to include in the release notes etc.

Once I have beta 2 ready, I will only be working on critical bugs for a 
while as I need to devote some time to other projects.

I expect to start work on beta 3 in about 2 weeks, except for critical 
client-related issues.



Darren Redfern wrote:
> Hi Everyone:
> As most of you have probably noticed (from the copious emails you've 
> been getting), I went through the Chameleon bug list today and targeted 
> all the untargeted, open (i.e., NEW/ASSIGNED/REOPENED) bugs.
> These targets are meant to act as guidelines for when these bug should 
> be addressed (not necessarily fixed - but addressed). The targets 
> currently being used are:
> 1.99 beta 2 - the beta version we are currently working on trying to 
> release
> 1.99 beta 3 - the following beta version
> 1.99 RC 1 - the first Release Candidate version
> 1.99 Final - the final release of 1.99
> 2.1 - the technology version to come after versions 1.99/2.0 are out.
> Some things to note about the above list:
> * there may be additional 1.99 beta and RC versions to those listed 
> above. When/if we decide that there will be, new targets will be added 
> and bugs retargeted appropriately.
> * there is currently no 2.0 version in the list because 2.0 is meant to 
> be a release where the technology stays the same, but the product pieces 
> (docs, training, etc.) change. It is probable that we will want to add 
> 2.0-based targets at some point to track bugs with those product pieces.
> Keep in mind that the targets I have assigned are open to debate, but 
> please let *me*, as Product Manager, be the one to actually make any 
> changes. Any debate on individual bug targets should occur within the 
> bug itself. Debate on larger issues affecting the targeting of many 
> bugs, can be handled through this email thread.
> Currently, the count of open bugs to targets is:
> * 1.99 beta 2  -  4 open
> * 1.99 beta 3  -  33 open
> * 1.99 RC 1  -  57 open
> * 1.99 Final  -  22 open
> * 2.1  -  36 open
> Some things I need your feedback on:
> * Currently I have set the target for some bugs around the 1.99 Service 
> Instance to 1.99 beta 3. Do these need to be finished for the beta 2? If 
> so, I can change them.
> * Most items that were feature enhancements I targeted for 2.1. However, 
> a few that appeared to be already being worked on (and where Paul hadn't 
> explicitly said "not for 1.99"), I left somewhere in 1.99. Typically, 
> when I did so, I added a question about their status in my comments.
> * Although I know that widgets in the non-base widget pack are not being 
> *officially* released in 1.99, they are being included with the current 
> betas and RCs. So, any bugs that were about these non-base widgets, I 
> targeted no later than 1.99 RC 1. They can always be moved to 2.1 (or 
> another, widget-pack-specific target) at a later date.
> * I targeted many bugs for 1.99 Final. In doing so, I don't want to give 
> the impression that these ones aren't important - just that they don't 
> necessarily need to be completely fixed until the final release. Would 
> it be easier for you all if I moved them the 1.99 RC 1 - would that put 
> them more in the forefront of your consciousnesses? :-)
> It is my intention to monitor the targets for bugs throughout the rest 
> of the 1.99 product cycle. I will also be looking into bug priorities on 
> a version by version basis.
> Any and all comments are welcome.
> Thanks.
> Darren
> Darren Redfern
> Prodcut Manager
> DM Solutions Group
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|Paul Spencer                           pspencer at dmsolutions.ca   |
|Applications & Software Development                              |
|DM Solutions Group Inc                 http://www.dmsolutions.ca/|

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