[Chameleon] adding several layers from the same external WMS

Huub Fleuren
Wed, 17 Dec 2003 11:37:42 +0100
one of the Geodan mapswing components (the java  mApplet) uses a 
combine=true setting for this purpose.
the applet 'combines' a request to the server if the layers are al from 
the same server url into a sigle GET request to the Geodan mapserver

in the chameleon/mapserv setup this would have to be done by the 
mapserver after reading the map file

Huub wrote:

>Hi list,
>in Chameleon there is the possibility to add layers from a treeview to the
>In this case if a user adds e.g. 5 layers from the same external WMS, 5
>LAYERS are created in the session MAP file, all with a connection type
>This means 5 requests to the external WMS per Chameleon MAP refresh. In
>theory, this could be solved by asking just one image to the WMS server
>(layers=A,B,C,D,E). Ofcourse, this has the assumption that the five layers
>from the external WMS are in sequence on top of each other, and not some
>other layer in between.
>I have also noticed that when using the layers=A,B,C,D,E type of syntax,
>the Web Map Context (save, upload) does not function any more.
>Any thoughts on this, could this be a potential performance enhancement
>for Chameleon, and would this require changes in PHP/Mapscript or in the
>Chameleon PHP code?
>Best regards,
>Chameleon mailing list

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