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[Chameleon] A few errors I need help with.Arthur, John John.Arthur@T-Mobile.comTue, 22 Jul 2003 12:55:05 -0700
The following errors are associated with "test.php" script. The "simple.html" template has broken images too. It seams the map images are not being written to the "/tmp/ms_tmp" dir. But the buttons are being written to the "/tmp/ms_tmp/buttons" dir. The first error I have: Warning: [MapServer Error]: msProcessProjection(): no options found in 'init' file in /opt/cwc2/htdocs/common/wrapper/map_session.php on line 214 Warning: Failed to open map file /opt/cwc2/htdocs/template.map in /opt/cwc2/htdocs/common/wrapper/map_session.php on line 214 Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /opt/cwc2/htdocs/common/wrapper/map_session.php on line 231 Then if I "#" out the "init=epsg:42304" and uncomment the other projection settings, I get this error: Fatal error: [MapServer Error]: msDrawScalebar(): Map units not set. in /opt/cwc2/htdocs/widgets/Scalebar.widget.php on line 338 If I set the SCALEBAR to false in the "test.html" template, the next page comes up, but I have broken images and the following error pops up in a new window: Warning: [MapServer Error]: getSymbol(): Parsing error near (null):(line 11) in /opt/cwc2/htdocs/common/wrapper/map_session.php on line 208 Warning: Failed to open map file /tmp/sess_3f1d94c22155a/1058903234-1117.map in /opt/cwc2/htdocs/common/wrapper/map_session.php on line 208 Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /opt/cwc2/htdocs/common/wrapper/map_session.php on line 231 MAP EXTENT -2594561.35333333 -712631 3467361.35333333 3840000 FONTSET "/opt/cwc2/etc/fonts.txt" IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 IMAGETYPE png RESOLUTION 90.714286 SYMBOLSET "/opt/cwc2/etc/symbols.sym" SIZE 400 300 STATUS ON TRANSPARENT TRUE UNITS (null) NAME "DEMO" OUTPUTFORMAT NAME png MIMETYPE image/png DRIVER GD/PNG EXTENSION png IMAGEMODE PC256 TRANSPARENT TRUE END PROJECTION "init=epsg:42304" END LEGEND IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 KEYSIZE 18 12 KEYSPACING 5 5 LABEL SIZE MEDIUM TYPE BITMAP BUFFER 0 COLOR 0 0 89 FORCE FALSE MINDISTANCE -1 MINFEATURESIZE -1 OFFSET 0 0 PARTIALS TRUE END POSITION LL STATUS ON TEMPLATE "legend_template.html" END QUERYMAP COLOR 255 0 0 SIZE -1 -1 STATUS OFF STYLE HILITE END REFERENCE COLOR -1 -1 -1 EXTENT -1 -1 -1 -1 IMAGE "./images/keymap.png" OUTLINECOLOR 255 0 0 SIZE 120 90 STATUS ON MARKER 0 MARKERSIZE 0 MINBOXSIZE 3 MAXBOXSIZE 0 END SCALEBAR BACKGROUNDCOLOR 0 0 0 COLOR 255 255 255 IMAGECOLOR 255 255 255 INTERVALS 5 LABEL SIZE SMALL TYPE BITMAP BUFFER 0 COLOR 0 0 0 FORCE FALSE MINDISTANCE -1 MINFEATURESIZE -1 OFFSET 0 0 PARTIALS TRUE POSITION UL END OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0 POSITION LL SIZE 150 5 STATUS OFF STYLE 0 UNITS KILOMETERS END WEB IMAGEPATH "/tmp/ms_tmp/" IMAGEURL "/ms_tmp/" METADATA "wms_context_version" "0.1.4" END END END - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - John Arthur RF Technician Office: (757) 490-7221 Cellular: (757) 839-0021 Email: john.arthur@t-mobile.com T-Mobile USA Get more from life
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