[Chameleon] LayerManager2

Godwin, Elizabeth Godwinl at AGR.GC.CA
Thu Aug 12 09:59:22 EDT 2004

Before taking vacation, I thought I had come up with a workaround for
this problem, but alas.... it works no longer and I haven't solved it
yet.  I'm still working at it.  I'll post If I have a new solution.

Has anyone else in the community come up with a solution to having a
display only legend AND a working popup layer manager function together?

Paul, any progress on the bug fix? or is the solution different in Beta


-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Spencer [mailto:pagameba at magma.ca] 
Sent: May 28, 2004 9:46 AM
To: Godwin, Liz
Cc: Chameleon
Subject: Re: [Chameleon] LayerManager2

Liz, is there a legend widget with layer controls in the main 
application page too?  I noticed this and filed a bug on it (I think it 
was related to having both an embedded and popup legend in the same 
page, but the issue is the same ... the legend widget in the main page 
causes the layer status to revert.)


Godwin, Liz wrote:

> The LayerManager2 (Manage Layers) widget isn't working the way it has
> been recently. 
> I can't turn on/off layers with it.  I can still move layers up/down,
> and delete them, but not chnage their status.
> I looked in my own app, and the "Other Widgets" sample.  in both IE 
> and
> Firefox. 
> Should I post a bug?
> General Question:  How do I know when to post a bug, or should I just
> post here first?  What qualifies as a bug?
> Liz
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|Paul Spencer                           pspencer at dmsolutions.ca   |
|Applications & Software Development                              |
|DM Solutions Group Inc                 http://www.dmsolutions.ca/|

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