[Chameleon] LayerManager2

Paul Spencer pagameba at magma.ca
Fri Aug 13 08:04:57 EDT 2004

Liz, I'm not sure this has been fixed yet.  Hopefully it will be 
addressed in the next round :)

Godwin, Elizabeth wrote:

> Before taking vacation, I thought I had come up with a workaround for
> this problem, but alas.... it works no longer and I haven't solved it
> yet.  I'm still working at it.  I'll post If I have a new solution.
> Has anyone else in the community come up with a solution to having a
> display only legend AND a working popup layer manager function together?
> Paul, any progress on the bug fix? or is the solution different in Beta
> 2?
> Liz
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Spencer [mailto:pagameba at magma.ca] 
> Sent: May 28, 2004 9:46 AM
> To: Godwin, Liz
> Cc: Chameleon
> Subject: Re: [Chameleon] LayerManager2
> Liz, is there a legend widget with layer controls in the main 
> application page too?  I noticed this and filed a bug on it (I think it 
> was related to having both an embedded and popup legend in the same 
> page, but the issue is the same ... the legend widget in the main page 
> causes the layer status to revert.)
> Paul
> Godwin, Liz wrote:
>>The LayerManager2 (Manage Layers) widget isn't working the way it has
>>been recently. 
>>I can't turn on/off layers with it.  I can still move layers up/down,
>>and delete them, but not chnage their status.
>>I looked in my own app, and the "Other Widgets" sample.  in both IE 
>>Should I post a bug?
>>General Question:  How do I know when to post a bug, or should I just
>>post here first?  What qualifies as a bug?
>>Chameleon mailing list
>>Chameleon at lists.maptools.org 

|Paul Spencer                           pspencer at dmsolutions.ca   |
|Applications & Software Development                              |
|DM Solutions Group Inc                 http://www.dmsolutions.ca/|

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