[Chameleon] Problem with First Chameleon App
Pascoe,Tim [Burlington]
Tim.Pascoe at ec.gc.ca
Tue Aug 17 15:05:36 EDT 2004
I'm new to Chameleon, and I seem to be having some trouble getting a test application running properly.
I have:
PHP 4.3.8
MapScript 4.2.2
Chameleon 1.99Beta
I've managed to get the Chameleon samples working fine, but when I try and modify a simple map to run with my own template, I run into problems. Strangely, when I load the .phtml file, everything is displayed fine, but I get the dreaded 'red x' for the image and the 'wait image' just continues...waiting. However - if I zoom in on the map several times, I suddenly get an image.
I'm using the code from the sample_basic_buttonizer example, with the same map file that comes with the samples. I changed all of the paths (as far as I know), and have run out of ideas. One thing I did notice is that the map images generated do not seem to be stored in the temp file for map images - is this by design, or is there a problem somewhere? There are no temp files generated, even when the zoomed in map is drawn.
One other question - do the CWC2 tags in a template need to be enclosed in DIV tags, or can they simply be inserted into the appropriate location in a table layout?
Any help is much appreciated.
Timothy Pascoe
Environment Canada / Environnement Canada
Canada Centre for Inland Waters / Centre Canadien des Eaux Intérieures
867 Lakeshore Road / 867, chemin Lakeshore
Burlington, Ontario / Burlington (Ontario)
L7R 4A6
Tel/Tél: (905) 336-6239
Fax/Téléc: (905) 336-4699
E-mail/C. élec: tim.pascoe at ec.gc.ca
Government of Canada/Gouvernement du Canada
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