[Chameleon] Dynamic Template Changes

Paul Spencer pagameba at magma.ca
Mon Aug 23 08:11:01 EDT 2004


this should be relatively simple, it is the same mechanism that is used 
by the ability to bilingualize the application ... your button needs to 
call a javascript function that simply sets the form variable TEMPLATE 
to the new value you want and then submits the page.

<script ...>
function switchTemplates()
   document.forms[0].TEMPLATE.value = "http://path-to-new-template.html";

If you need to go to different templates, I would modify this so that 
the URL of the template is passed to this function :)



D'cruz,Steven [Ontario] wrote:

> Greetings,
>         I'm currently using Chameleon v.1.0.5, and would like to enquire 
> as to whether it is possible to create a button, which, if clicked, 
> would send the user to a different template while preserving the current 
> Javascript CWC object and it's associated variables (goCWCJSAPI).  The 
> reason for this requirement is that I've created two distinct templates; 
> simple and advanced.  The simple template has considerably less 
> functionality than the advanced, although it is much more intuitave.  I 
> would like to create a button on the simple template that reloads the 
> current map with a new template ( the advanced template ) while 
> preserving the state of the map (layer status, zoom depth, etc).  Is 
> this possible in version 1.0.5 of Chameleon/CWC2?   If not, I'd greatly 
> appreciate suggestions for adding this functionality.  If this 
> functionality exists in later versions, would it be plausible to port 
> the changes from the newer chameleon version to version 1.0.5?  Although 
> upgrading our version of Chameleon is a possibility, I've been asked to 
> avoid doing so unless absolutely necessary, as many customizations have 
> been made to it.
> Note: I currently have the Chameleon 1.99 b2 samples running, however 
> our application is primarily for the CWC component, which does not seem 
> to be fully implemented in the beta release.  Upgrading may be 
> considered once version 2.0 of Chameleon/CWC2 is released
> Steven D'Cruz
> (Open)GIS Developer
> Environment Canada
> Steven.D'Cruz at ec.gc.ca
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|Paul Spencer                           pspencer at dmsolutions.ca   |
|Applications & Software Development                              |
|DM Solutions Group Inc                 http://www.dmsolutions.ca/|

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