[Chameleon] XMLThemeLegend continued

Paul Spencer
Wed, 04 Feb 2004 22:39:13 -0500

Dave Astolfo wrote:

> Thanks for the info Paul.  Another question for the group:
> I have managed to make the menu expand / collapse here:

cool ... it only works in IE though ;)

> The only problem is figuring out how to make it work for multi-tier
> Legends. Right now, I think the rendering file only supports

that is correct.  We have tossed around some ideas for adding support 
for additional levels of grouping but never found anyone willing to pay 
for it to be implemented nor had a compelling reason to implement it for 
our own purposes.

> What I was hoping for is support for THEME/GROUP/SUBGROUP/ etc.  Like
> this:
> ==LEGEND==
> Top Level
> --Level 1
> --  Level 1.1
> ---- Level 1.1.1
> --Level 2
> -- Level 2.1
> Etc...
> In looking at the widget directory of CWC 1.1, I noticed a JSTreeView
> widget. Anyone know how to use this? I can't seem to find documentation
> on it...

JSTreeView is a utility widget that we added for the upcoming MapEdit. 
JSTreeView is pretty much an internal widget at this point, but 
essentially what it does is take the contents of a SharedResource widget 
and display it in a hierarchical tree using some js/dhtml based tree 
code we got from (I think that was the URL).

The code for that might be in the common folder under jtree.  If not, 
then check out the php_utils project from

CVS root:

The module name is "php_utils"

There is no password

You can copy the php_utils/src/jtree folder from there to the 
htdocs/common/ folder and then the widget will at least have the 
javascript part ready to go

You would then need to build some javascript calls into your renderer 
file to build the appropriate javascript objects for the tree.  I have 
speculated on this a couple of times but never tried it.  Or write a 
widget that creates a sharedresource from the information you want in 
the tree.  Its kind of tricky though.  This will eventually be 
documented but this will probably be one of the last things to be done.

You are not permitted to use jtree outside of the scope of chameleon 
unless you purchase your own license ... but within chameleon we are 
permitted to distribute it royalty free.



> Thx,
> Dave
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Paul Spencer
> Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2004 9:18 AM
> To: Dave Astolfo
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [Chameleon] Problem with CompassPoint Widget
> Sorry, I guess my reply was too late, you figured it out :)
> For the record, new documentation is on the way!  Real soon now :)
> Paul
> Dave Astolfo wrote:
>>Figured it out...  Although I am using V 1.1, it appears that the 
>>required parameters that are listed on the Widget documentation don't 
>>match. Here is what worked (see original msg below for what did not
>><CWC2 type="CompassPoint" panpercent="80" imageheight="19" 
>>imagewidth="19" direction="northwest" 
>>visible="true" />
>>Note the variable for IMAGES. In the documentation, it states that you
>>And that combined, these make up the pointer to the image and 
>>direction that will be called in code..  Odd.... But it works.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>[] On Behalf Of Dave Astolfo
>>Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2004 4:52 PM
>>Subject: [Chameleon] Problem with CompassPoint Widget
>>I am having trouble implementing the compasspoint widget. I am using 
>>Chameleon 1.1
>>Sample code:
>><CWC2 type="CompassPoint" panpercent="80" imageheight="19" 
>>imagewidth="19" imageextension=".gif" imagebase="images/pan_" 
>>direction="northwest" visible="true" />
>>I have verified that pan_nortwest.gif is in the folder images/ .   The
>>error I am getting is:
>>ERROR: Invalid image specified in Icon.php for parent 20 of type 
>>Any ideas?
>>Chameleon mailing list
>>Chameleon mailing list

|Paul Spencer                     |
|Applications & Software Development                              |
|DM Solutions Group Inc       |

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