[Chameleon] Same old install problem

Paul Spencer pagameba at magma.ca
Wed Jun 2 15:11:29 EDT 2004

Matt and Jacob ... and probably others too ...

this is likely not a problem with your configuration, at least, not 
directly.  The short answer is that we have discovered that this problem 
occurs on systems that do not have PEAR installed with PHP.

There is a fix (besides installing PEAR, which should not be required). 
  The latest CVS version of chameleon has been patched and I prepared 
beta 2 today for internal testing, hopefully we should release it by the 
end of the week.

In the mean time, if you are adventurous, you can apply the fix yourself 
by opening chameleon/htdocs/WidgetManager.php in your favourite text 
editor and modifying lines 29-31 that read as follows:

if (@require_once 'PEAR/Registry.php')

and comment these three lines out by doing the following:

//if (@require_once 'PEAR/Registry.php')
//    $GLOBALS['gbPear']=true;

You MUST leave the next line as is


I'd appreciate if one or both of you could try this and let me know if 
it fixes your problem.



Matt Frost wrote:

> Please forgive me for posting with this unoriginal problem - I held out 
> as long as I could.
> I've just installed 1.99 on my laptop (Mac, Panther, Mapserver binary 
> install from Serverlogistics.com) and I can't get any of the Chameleon 
> demo pages to open. PHP seems to be working fine- I can drop an echo 
> into chameleon.php, and it shows up in the browser. Trouble is, that's 
> the only thing that shows up, even in the source code.
> What's the next likely troubleshooting step?
> Thanks,
> Matt Frost
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|Paul Spencer                           pspencer at dmsolutions.ca   |
|Applications & Software Development                              |
|DM Solutions Group Inc                 http://www.dmsolutions.ca/|

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