[Chameleon] Could not find/open font...

Ken Sanderson ken at rockies.ca
Mon Jun 21 13:03:08 EDT 2004

I am still having problems with the fonts if, and only if, the map being
drawn has text on it. The image will load fine if I zoom in to a section
of ocean. So the map file is working fine, just something not right with
the fonts. I looked at the paths for the font file as specified in the
map file and it should be fine, so not sure what is wrong :/

The error message that repeats is:

Warning: imagettfbbox(): Could not find/open font in G:\ArcIMS
Data\chameleon\htdocs\common\buttonizer\buttonizer.php on line 530

Warning: imagettfbbox(): Could not find/open font in G:\ArcIMS
Data\chameleon\htdocs\common\buttonizer\buttonizer.php on line 534

Warning: imagettftext(): Could not find/open font in G:\ArcIMS
Data\chameleon\htdocs\common\buttonizer\buttonizer.php on line 600

Searching through the list archives the only other time that error
message is found was some missing fonts, but the ones they said were
missing I have. Here is what I have, am I missing any?

fritqat                         fritqat.ttf
fritqat-bold                    fritqtb0.ttf
fritqat-italic                  fritqti0.ttf
fritqat-bold-italic             fritqtb2.ttf
sans                            Vera.ttf
sans-bold                       VeraBd.ttf
sans-italic                     VeraIt.ttf
sans-bold-italic                VeraBI.ttf
serif                           VeraSe.ttf
serif-bold                      VeraSeBd.ttf
mono                            VeraMono.ttf
mono-bold                       VeraMoBd.ttf
mono-italic                     VeraMoIt.ttf
mono-bold-italic                VeraMoBI.ttf

Any other thoughts? I have copied all the same fonts and files from etc
from samples folder and chameleon folder just in case, still no luck.


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