[Chameleon] Chameleon 1.1 Installation

Jason Fournier
Tue, 02 Mar 2004 11:55:10 -0500

In your Chameleon template there is a tag:


just add

<form action="index.phtml">

that should do the trick.


Gianluigi Nozza wrote:

>Heaven answered !!!
>But it was too technical for me...
>Thank you Jason but I don't know what are "set the action" and "redirection"
>Can you explain me step by step if is not too much complicated ?
>It seems to me I'am so close.....
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Jason Fournier" <>
>To: "Gianluigi Nozza" <>
>Cc: "Paul Dymecki" <>; <>
>Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2004 5:30 PM
>Subject: Re: [Chameleon] Chameleon 1.1 Installation
>>Regarding the Zoom In issue ...
>>If you are using IIS you *may* have to set the action in the body to
>>index.phtml (ie, action="index.phtml").  If this does not work then a
>>redirect to http://path/to/chameleon/index.phtml prior to entering the
>>application may work.  This will set the URL to include index.phtml
>>(whereas default document hides it).
>>Hope this helps,
>>Gianluigi Nozza wrote:
>>>Thank you Paul
>>>I have just take a look to your configuration files, and I have found
>>>they looks very close to mine, apart Apache while I have IIS
>>>Meanwhile I was able to get the keymap and the widget to appear. I
>>>have found that keymap seems to pretend an absolute path while the
>>>rest wants a relative path, but not sure even of that.
>>>Besides I can't see any legend (I don't think this is how the sample
>>>has to look like) Isn't it ?
>>>And the only widget that work is the ruler.
>>>I can see the north america map, but when I try to zoom I get a 405
>>>error "page not found"
>>>I have checked if image files are written on the image temporary
>>>directory but I can't find nothing else than the scalebar image.
>>>In other words it seems that chameleon does not write image file on
>>>So I'm figure out there is something worst than a simple wrong path
>>>Hope some help from Heaven users....
>>>----- Original Message -----
>>>    From: Paul Dymecki <>
>>>    To: Gianluigi Nozza <>
>>>    Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2004 3:53 PM
>>>    Subject: RE: [Chameleon] Chameleon 1.1 Installation
>>>    Here you go,
>>>    -----Original Message-----
>>>    From:
>>>    <>
>>>    []On Behalf Of Gianluigi
>>>    Nozza
>>>    Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2004 8:27 AM
>>>    To:
>>>    Subject: [Chameleon] Chameleon 1.1 Installation
>>>    Dear lister
>>>    With the help of the list, I made a little step toward the main
>>>    goal of the
>>>    "Chameleon 1.1 installation" with IIS and Windows 2000
>>>    I found very usefull the suggestion to include in the epsg proj
>>>    references for the two non standard projection of the sample
>>>    application.
>>>    <42101> +proj=lcc +ellps=WGS84 +lat_0=0 +lon_0=-95 +lat_1=49
>>>    +x_0=0 +y_0=-8000000 +datum=WGS84 +units=m no_defs <>
>>>    is the
>>>    standard Atlas of Canada data's projection)
>>>    <42304> +proj=lcc +ellps=GRS80 +lat_0=49 +lon_0=-95 +lat_1=49
>>>    +lat_2=77
>>>    +datum=NAD83 +units=m no_defs <>
>>>    At that point I was able to start the sample application, but with
>>>    following limits:
>>>    I can't see any widget,
>>>    No widget seems to work, apart for the distances ruler that works
>>>    fine.
>>>    I can'see the keymap
>>>    When I try to zoom in, I can see the red rubberband but the I come
>>>    up with a
>>>    "missing page error"
>>>    At this point I believe that I have some failure in some path/url
>>>    specification
>>>    There will be someone in the universe using Chameleon 1.1 with IIS
>>>    windows 2000 ?
>>>    I hope so. Will be that man/woman so kind to send me their working,
>>>    cwc2.xlm  configuration file
>>>    the sample map file properly configured (
>>>    the sample template file properly configured (sample.html)
>>>    Thanks to everybody
>>>    _______________________________________________
>>>    Chameleon mailing list
>>Jason Fournier
>>DM Solutions Group
>>Application Developer
>>Ottawa, ON
>>613.565.5056 x 18

Jason Fournier
DM Solutions Group
Application Developer
Ottawa, ON
613.565.5056 x 18

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