[Chameleon] MapTips widget

Joel Rivard jrivard at connect.carleton.ca
Tue Oct 5 09:33:07 EDT 2004


Thanks for the reply Paul.

I've been testing the MapTips widget with the sample app with ms4w.

>From my understanding and playing with this widget, it doesn't seem to 
do maptips of line features (Maybe I need to change some code 
somewhere).  I used the widget as is (the button and the dialog box) 
and tried rolling over the rail shapefile while using the "company" 
field.  All that was returned was:


While using the popplace point feature, everything works great with the 
widget as is.
Now, I've enabled the layer attribute for this widget. 

Upon changing it and adding the layer and attributes, so that the 
maptips is set to a default, the same result happened as with the lines.


This is what I changed in the html:

<!-- MAPTIPS -->
      <td><cwc2 type="MapTips" defaulttext="&nbsp;" tolerance="2" 
Layer="popplace" Attributes="Name" maptipsdiv="MapTipsLayer" label="Map 
Tips" styleresource="TextButtons" popupstyleresource="TextButtons" 
popupwidth="500" popupheight="450" image="images/icon_maptips.png">
              <image state="normal"/>
              <image state="selected"/>
              <image state="hover"/>

When I did the same with the rail feaure (changed layer="rail" 
Attributes="Company"), I get the following error message.

Warning: [MapServer Error]: msQueryByRect(): No matching record(s) 
found. in 
C:\ms4w\apps\chameleon\htdocs\widgets\MapTips\MapTips.widget.php on 
line 378

Can anyone help me understand how to set the maptips for a line layer.



Paul Spencer wrote:

>I recently added (or enabled?) a layer attribute on this widget for 
>LAYER - the layer to display maptips for
>Other attributes are:
>ATTRIBUTES - the attributes to display in the maptips
>DEFAULTTEXT - the text to display if not displaying a tip
>TOLERANCE - in pixels, distance around feature to activate the hover
>LINK - appears that this must be set to enable link url but I don't 
>why :-0
>LINKURL - a URL to open if the user clicks while over the link (leave 
>out if you don't want this)
>LINKUNIQUEID - an attribute name, the value of which will be appended 
>the link url
>MAPTIPSDIV - a <div id=" ... "></div> that you provide in the template 
>to display the contents in
>ONMOUSEOVER - optional javascript function to call on mouse over a tip, 
>disables normal processing (i.e maptipsdiv not used)
>ONMOUSEOUT - see onmouseover but for a mouseout event.
>Also, you can hide the button by setting visible="false".
>Joel Rivard wrote:
>> Hello List,
>> I've been trying out the MapTips widget and it works great.  I am 
>> wondering though if its possible to hard code in a file a certain 
>> that would always have MapTips, instead of having the user select the 
>> layer.
>> Can somebody direct me to the correct file to do this with and start 
>> on where to change some of the code?
>> Joel  
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>  -----------------------------------------------------------------
>|Paul Spencer                           pspencer at dmsolutions.ca   |
>|Applications & Software Development                              |
>|DM Solutions Group Inc                 http://www.dmsolutions.ca/|
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