[Chameleon] epsg code

Kevin Flanders kevin at peoplegis.com
Fri Apr 15 11:53:23 EDT 2005

Hi Paul,

I tried a few different lines....but did not work.....I think I am missing

<view name="Downtown" minx="951675" miny="8732837" maxx="3253733"
maxy="2424523" SRS="+proj=tmerc +lat_0=42.500000000 +lon_0=-71.666666667
+k=0.9999967 +x_0=300000.000 +y_0=0.000 +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83

I also tried:

<view name="Downtown" minx="951675" miny="8732837" maxx="3253733"
maxy="2424523" +proj="tmerc" +lat_0="42.500000000" +lon_0="-71.666666667"
+k="0.9999967" +x_0="300000.000" +y_0="0.000" +ellps="GRS80" +datum="NAD83"

what am I missing?


you should be able to create proj4 projections in the quickzoom widget
tags by putting the entire proj definition on one line with each element
starting with a +, for instance a standard lat/lon projection would be

+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs

(this just happens to be the same proj string used by EPSG:4326 ...)



Kevin Flanders wrote:
> I have noticed that the quickzoom function requires a standard epsg code
> in order to execute.  I have several projects that use a non-standard
> coordinate/projection system.....the standard epsg code calls for units
> of meters, but these clients use units of feet.  Is there another way to
> use the quickzoom feature if no standard epsg code exists?
> I understand I can create my own codes?  What are those steps?
> Kevin
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