[Chameleon] Upgrading 1.99 beta 2 to 2.0?

Eric Bridger eric at gomoos.org
Wed Jan 19 10:52:13 EST 2005

I've almost completed moving various Chameleon apps from 1.99 beta to
2.0, thanks to your help. But I've still got one problem.

I was using in my templates:

<cwc2 type="SharedResource" name="PopupCSS" value="popup_custom.css"/>

In order to use a local custom style sheet for my Popup windws, E.g.
Query and ErrorReport.  

Chameleon now WARNS about the VALUE attribute, even though my popups
still get the style sheet. Removing the value, my popups get no

What's the correct way to use a custom stylesheet for my popups?



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