[Chameleon] Upgrading 1.99 beta 2 to 2.0?

Eric Bridger eric at gomoos.org
Tue Jan 18 17:16:33 EST 2005

I'm in the middle of upgrading a number of Chameleon apps from 1.99 beta
2 (well a beta from 09/23/2004) to the recent version 2.0 rc1.

So far so good. Changed MapDHTMLWidget => MapWidget.
Set correct MATURITY_LEVEL in my custom widgets.

Most of my the apps appear to be working with 2.0 but I am getting many
warnings of the following type:

WARNING: following attributes are invalid for a <some widget>  widget:
<some_attribute> ...

all displayed in the ErrorReport widget popup.

WARNING: following attributes are invalid for a errorreport widget:
POPUPRESOURCE. The widget tag was: <cwc2 type="ErrorReport"
styleresource="TextButton" popupresource="TextButton" popupwidth="500"
popupheight="400" toolbar="false" status="false" menubar="false"
visible="false" image="images/icon_error.png" imagewidth="18"
imagetip="Display Error Report" label="Errors"> <image state="normal"/>
<image state="selected"/> <image state="hover"/> </cwc2>.

There are others. from the MapDHTML, QuickZoom, SharedResource and some 
custom widgets.

Has anyone seen messages like this? What am I missing.


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