[Chameleon] Problems with Linux

Corey Puffalt cplists at gmail.com
Tue Mar 8 11:31:00 EST 2005

I'm not an expert but I've suffered with similar problems lately.  One
thing to try is to use a commandline utility that comes with mapserver
to test the map file itself.  It's called shp2img.

ie. shp2img -m your.map -o test.png -all_debug 5

It will print out any errors to the console or generate the output
image you specify if there are no errors...


On Tue,  8 Mar 2005 10:20:30 -0400, Robin Brown <rbrown at unb.ca> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm trying to get my application working on a linux server and I am running into some
> problems.  Here is the link
> http://linux.unb.ca/NB.waters/Chameleon/NBTest.phtml
> As you will see there are errors on the load and the map does not display.   I built the
> application using the ms4w package on my computer and now we are trying to migrate to
> the server.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance
> Robin
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