[Chameleon] Looking for jsExpander.js

Paul Spencer pspencer at dmsolutions.ca
Wed Nov 30 16:50:35 EST 2005

try this:

-------------- next part --------------
var goExpanderManager = new cExpanderManager();

 * class to manage top level expander state between page
 * loads
function cExpanderManager()
    this.expanders = new Array();
    this.formElement = null;
    this.add = cExpanderManager_Add;
    this.initialize = cExpanderManager_Initialize;
    this.registerOpen = cExpanderManager_RegisterOpen;
    this.registerClose = cExpanderManager_RegisterClose;
    this.isVisible = function() { return true; };
    this.isElementVisible = cExpanderManager_IsElementVisible;
    this.expandAll = cExpanderManager_ExpandAll;
    this.collapseAll = cExpanderManager_CollapseAll;

function cExpanderManager_Add( oExpander )
    this.expanders[this.expanders.length] = oExpander;
    oExpander.manager = this;

function cExpanderManager_Initialize()
    if (this.formElement == null)
    for(var i=0; i < this.expanders.length; i++)
        if (this.expanders[i].bIsOpen)
            this.registerOpen( this.expanders[i] );
        this.expanders[i].initialize( this.isElementVisible( this.expanders[i].element.id ));

function cExpanderManager_RegisterOpen( oExpander )
    if (this.formElement == null)

    if (this.formElement.value.indexOf( oExpander.element.id ) < 0 )
        if (this.formElement.value != '')
            this.formElement.value += ",";
        this.formElement.value += oExpander.element.id;

function cExpanderManager_RegisterClose( oExpander )
    if (this.formElement == null)

    var rx = new RegExp( oExpander.element.id, '' );
    var text = this.formElement.value;
    text = text.replace( rx, '' );
    text = text.replace( /,,/g, ',' );
    if (text.substr(0, 1) == ',')
        text = text.slice( 1 );
    if (text.substr(-1) == ',')
        text = text.slice( 0, -1);
    this.formElement.value = text;

function cExpanderManager_IsElementVisible( id )
    rx = new RegExp( id, '' );
    return rx.test( this.formElement.value );

function cExpanderManager_ExpandAll()
    for(var i=0; i < this.expanders.length; i++)

function cExpanderManager_CollapseAll()
    for(var i=0; i < this.expanders.length; i++)
    return true;

 * basic expander class to handle an expandable element
 * that expands or contracts child elements.
function cExpander( elm )
    this.element = elm;
    this.element.expander = this;
    this.children = new Array();
    this.bIsOpen = false;
    this.manager = null; 
    this.img = null;
    this.szExpandImgSrc = '';
    this.szCollapseImgSrc = '';
    this.addElement = cExpander_AddElement;
    this.open = cExpander_Open;
    this.close = cExpander_Close;
    this.expandAll = cExpander_ExpandAll;
    this.collapseAll = cExpander_CollapseAll;
    this.expand = cExpander_Expand;
    this.contract = cExpander_Contract;
    this.toggle = cExpander_Toggle;
    this.initialize = cExpander_Initialize;
    this.registerOpen = cExpander_RegisterOpen;
    this.registerClose = cExpander_RegisterClose;
    this.isVisible = cExpander_IsVisible;

function cExpander_AddElement( elm )
    this.children[this.children.length] = elm;
    elm.manager = this;
    return true;

function cExpander_Open()
    for( var i=0; i<this.children.length; i++)
        this.children[i].element.style.display = 'block';
        if (this.children[i].bIsOpen)
    if (this.img != null && this.szCollapseImgSrc != '')
        this.img.src = this.szCollapseImgSrc;
    return true;

function cExpander_Close()
    for( var i=0; i<this.children.length; i++)
        this.children[i].element.style.display = 'none';
    if (this.img != null && this.szExpandImgSrc != '')
        this.img.src = this.szExpandImgSrc;
    return true;

function cExpander_ExpandAll()
    for( var i=0; i<this.children.length; i++)
    return true;

function cExpander_CollapseAll()
    for( var i=0; i<this.children.length; i++)
    return true;

function cExpander_Expand()
    this.bIsOpen = true;
    this.registerOpen( this );
    return true;

function cExpander_Contract()
    this.bIsOpen = false;
    this.registerClose( this );
    return true;

function cExpander_Toggle()
    if (this.bIsOpen)
    return true;

/* intialize this and all children recursively */
function cExpander_Initialize( bState )
    this.bIsOpen = bState;
    for( var i=0; i<this.children.length; i++)
        var child = this.children[i];
        if (this.isVisible())
            child.element.style.display = 'block';
        if (child.bIsOpen)
            this.registerOpen( child );
        this.children[i].initialize( goExpanderManager.isElementVisible( child.element.id ));
    if( this.img != null )
        if (this.bIsOpen && this.szCollapseImgSrc != '')
            this.img.src = this.szCollapseImgSrc;
        else if (!this.bIsOpen && this.szExpandImgSrc != '')
            this.img.src = this.szExpandImgSrc;
    return true;

/* cascade registration to top level manager */
function cExpander_RegisterOpen(elm)
    if (this.manager != null)
        this.manager.registerOpen( elm );
    return true;

function cExpander_RegisterClose(elm)
    if (this.manager != null)
        this.manager.registerClose( elm );

    return true;

/* determine if all elements in heirarchy are also open */
function cExpander_IsVisible()
    var bVisible = this.bIsOpen;
    if (this.manager != null)
        bVisible = bVisible && this.manager.isVisible();
    return bVisible;
-------------- next part --------------

and rename .js



On 29-Nov-05, at 9:03 AM, Mariette wrote:

> Greetings,
> I am trying to get my hands on the jsExpander.js. It gets removed  
> from my mail when e-mailed
>  and it seems to be removed from all the postings in the archives.  
> So if somebody could zip it or
> change the extension so that I can receive it, that would be much  
> appreciated.
> Thank You
> Mariette Hachey
> GeoNet Technologies Inc.
> PEI, Canada
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|Paul Spencer                           pspencer at dmsolutions.ca   |
|Applications & Software Development                              |
|DM Solutions Group Inc                 http://www.dmsolutions.ca/|

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