[Chameleon] MapTips Problems

Alessandro Oggioni a.oggioni at ise.cnr.it
Tue Apr 4 03:24:13 EDT 2006

I use Chameleon since few weeks bat I have any problems about MapTips. I 
write at list because don’t have find solution on-line.

1. If MapTips widgets is activate, the NavTools button is not possible 
use. I have the same problem on IE and on FireFox.

2. It’s possible activate more MapTips whit this button command?

<cwc2 type="MapTips" visible="false" defaulttext="&nbsp;" tolerance="2" 
maptipsdiv="MapTipsLayer" onmouseover="myMaptipsOver" 
onmouseout="myMaptipsOut" layer="Stradario" attributes="NOME_STRAD">

3. And finally, it’s possible insert a link in a MapTips. For example 
links a different picture or a different image for everyone cities of a 

I hope that anyone can I help me.

Thank you

Alessandro Oggioni


Dr. Alessandro Oggioni - PhD (Ecology)
CNR Institute of Ecosystem Study (ISE)
L.go Tonolli 50-52
I - 28922 Verbania Pallanza
Tel.: +39 0323 518300
Fax: +39 0323 556513
e-mail: a.oggioni at ise.cnr.it
wwwISE: http://www.iii.to.cnr.it <http://www.iii.to.cnr.it/>

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