[Chameleon] correct way to use a WMC for app configuration

Eijnden, B. van den (Bart) b.vdeijnden at agi.rws.minvenw.nl
Tue Jan 24 05:47:47 EST 2006

Hi list,

what is the correct way to use a WMC in a Chameleon application instead of a
MAP file? I am trying to do the following:

$szContextFile = "../map/testapplicatie.cml";
$oApp->CWCInitialize( $szTemplate, "" );

But then I run into the trouble that there is no fontset or web imagepath
set etc., so I added the following lines manually to loadContext in

        $this->moMapSession->oMap->web->set( "imagepath",
$_SESSION['gszTmpImgPath'] );
        $this->moMapSession->oMap->web->set( "imageurl",
$_SESSION['gszTmpWebPath'] );

I am sure I am missing something though, but what ...


Best regards,

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