[Chameleon] RE: Running php as Apache module

Eijnden, B. van den (Bart) b.vdeijnden at agi.rws.minvenw.nl
Tue May 2 09:50:44 EDT 2006

Hi Dejan,

on Linux we have it working fine.

What happens if you put your php.ini file somwhere in the Windows' PATH?

Best regards,

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: chameleon-bounces at lists.maptools.org
[mailto:chameleon-bounces at lists.maptools.org]Namens Gambin Dejan
Verzonden: dinsdag 2 mei 2006 15:45
Aan: chameleon at lists.maptools.org
Onderwerp: [Chameleon] RE: Running php as Apache module


Just a note: if I set:

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml
LoadModule php4_module "E:/apps/gis/ms4w/Apache/php/php4apache2.dll"

it doesn't work....

If I add PHPIniDir setting like:

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml
LoadModule php4_module "E:/apps/gis/ms4w/Apache/php/php4apache2.dll"
PHPIniDir "E:/apps/gis/ms4w/apache/cgi-bin"

it works but after zooming in for the first time, I get:

"Error rendering map image:
A fatal error has occurred restoring your session.
Please restart the application"

...and after that additional some strange behaviours....

Any help?

thanks, dejan

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gambin Dejan 
> Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2006 2:31 PM
> To: 'chameleon at lists.maptools.org'
> Subject: Running php as Apache module
> Hi,
> I have tried running php as a module but I get:
> FATAL ERROR: Session save path () doesn't exist or is not writable
> Notice: Undefined index: gszSessId in 
> E:\Apps\gis\ms4w\apps\chameleon\htdocs\common\session\session.
> php on line 162
> I am using PHP 4.3.11 and Apache2 on Windows 2000 Server. Any help?
> thanks, dejan

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