[Chameleon] Manage WMS Servers widget shows "cache_mlt" err ors,results in no WMS data layers

Eijnden, B. van den (Bart) b.vdeijnden at agi.rws.minvenw.nl
Mon May 8 02:24:42 EDT 2006

Hi Jacob,

I am also not very knowledgeable of that piece of code :-)

AFAIK wmsparse normally fills the dbf files. If it can't be used, PHP code
fills the dbf files.

The Chameleon extension is just another scenario of the same thing, fast C
code fills the dbf files.

Hopefully Paul or Julien can shed some light on the problem.

Best regards,

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: Delfos, Jacob [mailto:Jacob.Delfos at maunsell.com]
Verzonden: maandag 8 mei 2006 8:26
Aan: Eijnden, B. van den (Bart); Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
CC: chameleon at lists.maptools.org
Onderwerp: RE: [Chameleon] Manage WMS Servers widget shows "cache_mlt"
errors,results in no WMS data layers

Hi Bart,

>> do I get it correctly that these lines of code are only executed if: 
>> 1) the Chameleon php module cannot be found/loaded 
>> 2) the wmsparse utility cannot be found 

Well, I'm not *entirely* sure :) All I know is:

- currently, the 'out of the box' setting causes it to use wmsparse.exe
in Windows (also, the php extension is not compiled on Windows, making
wmsparse.exe a lot more attractive). If it can't find wmsparse/wmsparse,
it defaults to wmsparse.exe on Win32.
- those lines I mentioned are wrong, because those fieldnames are
skipped when the array is built. So there's no way that if the array
misses those entries, that a valid record can be added to a DBF that has
those fields. I do not understand why that would not cause a problem
when using the extension. Does using the extension mean that
server_data_manager.php does not get used at all? Does the capab.dbf
file get populated by the extension?

I'm not comfortable making the corrections until I know for sure it
doesn't mess up the "WMS extension" scenario.



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