[Chameleon] Maptips

listserver server chameleon.listserver at gmail.com
Mon May 29 03:09:41 EDT 2006

I'm tryng to use Maptips widget

i've added this..

    <script type="text/javascript">
      function myMaptipsOver(e, content)
          e = (e)?e:((event)?event:null);
          var d = document.getElementById('myMaptipsLayer');
          if (d == null)
              d = document.createElement( 'div' );
              d.id = 'myMaptipsLayer';
              d.setAttribute( 'style', 'position:absolute; top:-1000px;
left:-1000px; width:100px; height: 16px; background-color:#ffffcf;
font-family:arial; font-size:12px; z-index:100; border: 1px solid #00000;'
              d.style.position = 'absolute';
              d.style.top = "-1000px";
              d.style.left = "-1000px";
              d.style.width = "100px";
              d.style.height = "16px";
              d.style.backgroundColor = "#ffffcf";
              d.style.border = "1px solid #000000";
              d.style.fontFamily = "arial";
              d.style.fontSize = "12px";
              d.style.zIndex = 100;
          d.style.top = (e.clientY + 10) + "px";
          d.style.left = (e.clientX + 10) + "px";
          d.style.height = (16 * content.length)+"px";
          d.style.visibility = "visible";
          var sep = "";
          var result = "";
          for (var i=0;i<content.length; i++)
              result = result + sep + content[i];
              sep = "<br>";
          d.innerHTML = result;

      function myMaptipsOut(e, content)
          e = (e)?window.event:e;
          var d = document.getElementById('myMaptipsLayer');
          if (d)
              d.style.visibility = "hidden";
      <td><cwc2 type="MapTips" defaulttext="&nbsp;" tolerance="2"
Attributes="nome" maptipsdiv="MapTipsLayer" label="Map Tips"
styleresource="TextButtons" popupstyleresource="TextButtons"
popupwidth="550" popupheight="475" image="images/icon_maptips.png"
toolbar="false" status="false" menubar="false" onmouseover="myMaptipsOver"
              <image state="normal"/>
              <image state="selected"/>
              <image state="hover"/>

And this on my template...

<!-- display maptips here -->
<div id="MapTipsLayer" name="MapTipsLayer"></div>

When i click on the icon of maptips i can choice my layer name but i cannot
see Attributes of layers!

I'm using postgis and not shapes! Can be this the problem??

Thank you in advance
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