[Chameleon] Chameleon / GDALClose message

Giroux, Denis dgiroux at NRCan.gc.ca
Tue Nov 14 11:55:41 EST 2006


MapServer version is the same on both server.
GDAL/OGR version is the same on both server

However, I think that there is something wrong with the FID column. When I test my connection with OGRINFO, I get: 

 C:\Program Files\FWTools1.0.0>ogrinfo ODBC:@dsnLandslides dbo_landslides_lsinvmain

ODBC: EstablishSession(dsnLandslides,,(null))
ODBC: SQLConnect(dsnLandslides)
OGR_ODBC: Table dbo_landslides_lsinvmain has no identified FID column.
OGR: OGROpen(ODBC:@dsnLandslides/00A667D0) succeeded as ODBC.
INFO: Open of `ODBC:@dsnLandslides'
using driver `ODBC' successful.

Layer name: dbo_landslides_lsinvmain
Geometry: Unknown (any)
OGR_ODBC: ExecuteSQL(SELECT * FROM dbo_landslides_lsinvmain)
Feature Count: 5197
OGR_ODBC: ExecuteSQL(SELECT * FROM dbo_landslides_lsinvmain)
Layer SRS WKT:
FID: Integer (10.0)
id: Real (0.0)
nts: String (255.0)
prov: String (255.0)

I have added a "FID" column in my Access database. No success. This FID is not recognized.

Any suggestions to fix this problem?



-----Original Message-----
From: Julien-Samuel Lacroix [mailto:jlacroix at mapgears.com] 
Sent: November 7, 2006 10:49
To: Giroux, Denis
Cc: chameleon at lists.maptools.org
Subject: Re: [Chameleon] Chameleon / GDALClose message


The error is showing up because MapServer is unable to draw this layer. 
It seems the ODBC connection is not succesful.
Is the MapServer version is the same on both server?
Is the GDAL/OGR version is the same?
Does the ODBC connection exist/work on the server #2?


Giroux, Denis wrote:
> Hello,
> I have migrated (copied) my map viewer from one server (server #1) to 
> another server (server #2) in order to have a backup solution if 
> something goes wrong on server # 1. The map and frame display properly 
> on server # 1.
> All the frames, legend and query tools load properly on server # 2, 
> except the map itself. I get a small red cross in IE (vers. 6) or a 
> small "broken image" in Firefox. By right-clicking on the broken 
> image, I get an URL with some parameters in it. It looks like this:
> _http://issbeta.gsc.nrcan.gc.ca/ms/chameleon//common//wrapper/drawmap.
> php?map_session_mode=1&run_query=0&sid=454f8fe2ca610&dummy=0.72830100+
> 1162842084&UniqId=1162842087363403_
> <http://issbeta.gsc.nrcan.gc.ca/ms/chameleon//common//wrapper/drawmap.
> php?map_session_mode=1&run_query=0&sid=454f8fe2ca610&dummy=0.72830100+
> 1162842084&UniqId=1162842087363403>
> If I copy this URL directly in Firefox, I get the following:    
> DAL: GDALClose(/client/gsc_limv/tmp/ms_tmp/116284457128800.img.tmp)
> ODBC: EstablishSession(dsnLandslides,,(null))
> ODBC: GetColumn() - m_nColCount=500
> OGR: OGROpen(ODBC:@dsnLandslides) succeeded (015DBDC0).
> OGR: OGROpen(<OGRVRTDataSource><OGRVRTLayer
> name='Landslides'><SrcDataSource>ODBC:@dsnLandslides</SrcDataSource><S
> * FROM dbo_landslides_lsinvmain</SrcSQL><GeometryField
> encoding='PointFromColumns' x='longitude' 
> y='latitude'/><GeometryType>wkbPoint</GeometryType></OGRVRTLayer></OGR
> VRTDataSource>)
> succeeded (015DCB30).
> OGR: ReleaseDataSource(<OGRVRTDataSource><OGRVRTLayer
> name='Landslides'><SrcDataSource>ODBC:@dsnLandslides</SrcDataSource><S
> * FROM dbo_landslides_lsinvmain</SrcSQL><GeometryField
> encoding='PointFromColumns' x='longitude' 
> y='latitude'/><GeometryType>wkbPoint</GeometryType></OGRVRTLayer></OGR
> VRTDataSource>/015DCB30)
> dereferenced and now destroying.
> OGR: ReleaseDataSource(ODBC:@dsnLandslides/015DBDC0) dereferenced and 
> now destroying.
> X-Powered-By: PHP/4.3.9
> Last-Modified: Mon, 06 Nov 2006 20:22:50 GMT
> Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0
> Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT
> Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, 
> pre-check=0
> Pragma: no-cache
> Content-type: image/png
> ‰PNG
> ….followed by a very long list of unintelligible numbers and letters, 
> but no map (just the query tools and the legend).
> The points on the maps come from an ODBC connection to a MS Access
> (.mdb) database.
> I am on Windows 2003 Server, with IIS 6.0, PHP version 4.3.9, 
> MapScript
> 4.4.1
> Any hints on what could prevent the map from displaying?
> Thanks,
> Denis
> _________________________//
> /*Denis Giroux, M.Sc.*/
> GSC Northern Canada / CGC Nord du Canada Geological Survey of Canada / 
> Commission géologique du Canada** Natural Resources Canada / 
> Ressources naturelles Canada
> 601 Booth
> Local / Room 254
> Ottawa (Ontario)
> K1A 0E8
> Tel. : (613) 947-1107
> Fax : (613) 992-0190
> dgiroux at NRCan.gc.ca
> Internet:_ __http://gsc.nrcan.gc.ca/_____
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
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Julien-Samuel Lacroix

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