[Chameleon] Button.php_cannot_find_TextButtons_,_more_tutorials

Buchholz, Robert Robert.Buchholz at LUA.Brandenburg.de
Wed Apr 18 07:18:29 EDT 2007

Dear List,

I am using Chameleon 2.4. in the MS4W 1.6 (PHP 4.4.4, Apache 2.2.3, Mapscript 4.10.0) on localhost environment.
I receive an error (IE,Chameleon) after modifing the sample application (adding legend poppup):

-Error: Button.php was unable to find a shared resource named TextButtons #This for 4 times!#

I think this might be because of the cwc2 LegendTemplate widget.<image state="selected"/> and <image state="hover">, but not for sure...

-Warning: following attributes are invalid for the zoomlayers widget #and a frame with some symbols-sqare, circle, triangle#

Do you have any ideas to guide me? Can i set a conf to this? Which file? Where?
Do anyone can give me a link to another tutorial to use chameleon beside of cameleon help viewer (http://chameleon.maptools.org/help/viewer.phtml)?

Thanks a lot,

Robert Buchholz
Sachbearbeiter Referat S 7 (Trainee)
Landesumweltamt Brandenburg
Haus 2, Zi.: 258
Seeburger Chaussee 2
14476 Potsdam OT Groß Glienicke
Tel.: 033201 - 442 - 127
E-Mail: Robert.Buchholz at LUA.Brandenburg.de 

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