AW: [Chameleon] ROIFeatureTool

Buchholz, Robert Robert.Buchholz at
Mon Oct 8 03:54:47 EDT 2007

Hi Bill,
->As for the buffer value, you need to set it first, then pick a feature
on the map. 
That was the solution!!! From other GIS I am used to select a feature
first and than do buffering.
-> i.e. if your map units are metres
1. Where can I change the units (meter, miles...). To my imagination the
bufferdistance is not correct. Setting a buffervalue of 5000 and
mesuring the buffered distance by the Measuring Distance tool I get 3.1
mi (miles?).?
2. Can I do buffering only once? How to use the Clear selected Features
tool (Display: down left->Error on page)? After buffering I want to do
another buffering with smaler buffering value. 
3. Please give a statment concerning the WMS. Schould the service of
dmsolutions work with the Sample "OGC Widgets"? I cannot see a map.
Thanks a lot so far,


Von: William Bronsema [mailto:wbronsema at] 
Gesendet: Freitag, 5. Oktober 2007 15:46
An: Buchholz, Robert
Cc: chameleon at
Betreff: RE: [Chameleon] ROIFeatureTool

Hi Robert,


Sounds like everything is setup fine, you are just not getting anything
selected.  If nothing is selected however, you should get a note in the
upper left corner of the map image saying something like "no results".
Could it be that the feature that is being selected is so small that you
are not seeing it?


As for the buffer value, you need to set it first, then pick a feature
on the map.  i.e. if your map units are metres, set the buffer value in
the box to "5000"  to create a 5km buffer around the feature, then pick
a feature on the map.  If there is an issue with the feature being too
small to see that it is selected, setting a large buffer should help you
see it.






William Bronsema

Senior Applications Specialist

DM Solutions Group Inc.




From: Buchholz, Robert [mailto:Robert.Buchholz at] 
Sent: Friday, October 05, 2007 9:36 AM
To: William Bronsema
Cc: chameleon at
Subject: AW: [Chameleon] ROIFeatureTool




Hi Bill 

I hope this is readable... 

 > Hi Robert,


 > In the Chameleon samples the "selected layer" is the one in the
legend that is has it's radio button selected, not it's checkbox.  The
checkbox is for layer  

> status.Unfortunately in the Chameleon ROI sample the feature ROI does
not work because all the layers are WMS and/or rasters.


1. Problem: No WMS displayed

2. Problem: Having integrated a .shp layer, set the radio button to
activate, selecting add mode, selecting rectangle, polygon and circle is
working. But Selecting existing features is not working. What mode do I
have to set for proper use of selecting by existing feature? I assume it
schould not matter.



 > As a bit of background, ROIs are regions of interest.  Take the
rectangle ROI for instance.  It will define a rectangle on the map as a
region of interest that other widgets 

>  can   work with.  If you pick "add mode" then as you add multiple
rectangles, they will accumulate on the map in an additive way.  If you
pick "replace mode" then when you 

>  create a second rectangle, it replaces the first only ever allowing
you to have a single rectangle region of interest.  "Subtract mode"
allows you to create holes in  

> your  region  

> of interest.  Create a rectangle with "add" or "replace" mode then
switch to "subtract" mode and draw a smaller rectangle inside the first.
You will see a "hole" appear in  

> the   ROI.

3. Thanks for your explanation. It works!

 > Other shapes can be used and mixed and matched - circles, polygons,
and features.  The feature ROI only works on vector layers (ie. road

> The feature ROI is just a click type tool, no dragging.  When you try
to drag, the black bar with circle is indicating that dragging is not

4. AHA

 > The error report widget only reports errors with loading widgets. 

5. When I integrate to my sample_ogc.html this:

      <CWC2 TYPE="ErrorReport"
            IMAGETIP="Display Error Report"
            LABEL="Error Report"/>
The result is short appearance of the error window and it's dissolving.
(before it stays but always show: No Errors) 

>   It does not track any javascript or apache errors.  The Apache error
you are getting can be ignored, 

>  it is a common notice with the ms4w installation.


6. Good to know!

 > At this point I would try the app and be sure that the correct vector
layer is being selected in the legend via it's radio button and make
sure you are in "add" or 

>  "replace" mode.  Be sure that you have the ROI feature tool selected,
then try to click on a feature on the map for the selected layer.

7.I have a correct vector layer, selected it by the radio button, add
mode, select ROI feature tool click on a feature....

The supposed layer get not selected (no highlighting)

Here is my widget:

  <td><CWC2 TYPE="ROIFeatureTool" Visible="true"
styleresource="NavButtons" Image="images/icon_roi_feature.png"
ImageTip="Define an ROI by selecting existing features" buffer="true"
          <image state="normal"/>
          <image state="selected"/>
          <image state="hover"/>


The buffer="true" shows a textbox with "0" at beginning. I can change
the value, press return and that's it. I assume: No buffer is drawn,
because no feature is selected.










William Bronsema

Senior Applications Specialist

DM Solutions Group Inc.




From: Buchholz, Robert [mailto:Robert.Buchholz at] 
Sent: Friday, October 05, 2007 3:06 AM
To: William Bronsema
Cc: chameleon at
Subject: AW: [Chameleon] ROIFeatureTool


Hi Bill,


I select a layer (.shp) by the checkbox, I can identify its features by
the i-button (identify feature) at the nav tools.

At the ROItools I use the button "Define a ROI  by selecting existing
features" and click to the same feature as before and

->nothing happens by clicking in with the mouse. 

If I click and move the mouse a black circle with a black bar is


I do not know what is the 

-add mode

-replace Mode

-substract mode



I can not stop the 

-rectangular tool

-circle tool


The "clear selected query area" is not clearing.



The chameleon error report looks like disabled. ->Warnings->No Errors
(how to enable?)

error.log of Apache states:

[client] File does not exist:


Does this help?







Von: William Bronsema [mailto:wbronsema at] 
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 4. Oktober 2007 18:03
An: Buchholz, Robert
Cc: chameleon at
Betreff: RE: [Chameleon] ROIFeatureTool



Can you be more specific as to what error you are getting?





William Bronsema

Senior Applications Specialist

DM Solutions Group Inc.




From: Buchholz, Robert [mailto:Robert.Buchholz at] 
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2007 11:58 AM
To: William Bronsema
Cc: chameleon at
Subject: AW: [Chameleon] ROIFeatureTool


Hi Bill,


Ok, if I have this file. Then this widget that sets the active layer?

In my case it is the LegendTemplate.html, because I added the
CustomTreeLegend widget.

The LegendTemplate.html states:

...onclick="CWCSelectLayer('[leg_layer_name]', true)"...

Can I assume that this widget sets the active layer???

If yes, the error as mentioned in your link is still there and I do not
have a idea how to improve -get Select by feature/Buffer working-

If not, what to look for?


I hope to get this run by yours and lists experiance,




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