[Chameleon] Cwc2 error. [MapServer Error]: getDouble(): Parsing error near (IMAGECOLOR) or (nan

Normand Savard nsavard at mapgears.com
Wed Feb 27 09:29:11 EST 2008

john lace wrote:

>Thanks, Normand, for your help.
>I tried to change the php myself, but it crashed with this change, maybe there is another change(s) that I need.
>I tried the updated php, but, how can I get the cvs files?  I have downloaded and installed a couple of cvs client programs, WinCvs and CS-CVS, but I'm still unable to get the newest chameleon.php from the cvs repository.

The instruction to download from cvs are shown here:  
http://chameleon.maptools.org/index.phtml?page=cvs.html  The recommended 
cvs client on Windows is Turtoise (http://www.tortoisecvs.org/) or you 
can use CVSNT (http://www.march-hare.com/cvspro/).

Essentially you do  something like:

cvs -d :pserver:cvsanon at cvs.maptools.org:/cvs/maptools/cvsroot co chameleon

cvs -d :pserver:cvsanon at cvs.maptools.org:/cvs/maptools/cvsroot co php_utils


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