[FGS] OpenEV Question

Mishtu Banerjee, SCIENTIFICALS mishtu_banerjee at telus.net
Thu Jul 8 21:56:15 EDT 2004


This might be tangential to the main list ... if one wanted to use PsycoPg
with OpenEV ( http://initd.org/software/initd/psycopg) to query PostGis
databases -- would one add it to the "tools" directory or to the "Site
Packages" directory under Python?? Is there a standard convention?

Also -- I see that  at ( http://dl.maptools.org/dl/gdal/openev/)
OpenEV_FW_175 which I had trouble downloading today, has been taken off in
favour of 174. Is 175 coming back online soon, or should I take 174 as the
current version?

My apologies if this is the wrong place for this question

-- mishtu
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