[FGS] Status / httpd / etc

Guillaume Dallaire gdallaire at dmsolutions.ca
Fri Sep 17 15:45:40 EDT 2004

Hi all,

To try the installer script I made, just follow the instructions here :


This script installs my FGS modules to run mapserver + php_mapscript
4.2.2. There is also instructions to test the installed system with a
nice demo application.

Total size to download : ~5.1MB. 

No modification is made to the running system.

We successfully installed it on Redhat 9 and FC2.

CVS access to FGS-dev

You can download the scripts I used to build those FGS modules using :

cvs -d :pserver:cvsanon at cvs.maptools.org/cvs/maptools/cvsroot login

(no password)

cvs -d :pserver:cvsanon at cvs.maptools.org/cvs/maptools/cvsroot co fgs-dev

Please send feedback/comments/improvements.

 Guillaume Dallaire              gdallaire at dmsolutions.ca
 DM Solutions Group              http://www.dmsolutions.ca/

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