[FGS] problem installing on fedora core 5

Gianni Bassini - Provincia di Cremona gianni.bassini at provincia.cremona.it
Mon Apr 3 04:48:32 EDT 2006

installing on fedora core 5
i can't understand

[root at hobbes fgs]# sh fgs-chameleon_2.2.1-1.1-linux-i386.bin

* FGS - starting installation...
* Extracting FGS modules files...tail: cannot open `+36' for reading: No
such file or directory
tar: This does not look like a tar archive
tar: Skipping to next header
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
* Starting FGS installation :
fgs-chameleon_2.2.1-1.1-linux-i386.bin: line 27: ./fgs_installer.sh: No
such file or directory
[root at hobbes fgs]#

[root at hobbes fgs]# sh fgs-mapserver_phpmapscript_4.8.1-1.1-linux-i386.bin

* FGS - starting installation...
* Extracting FGS modules files...tail: cannot open `+36' for reading: No
such file or directory
tar: This does not look like a tar archive
tar: Skipping to next header
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
* Starting FGS installation :
fgs-mapserver_phpmapscript_4.8.1-1.1-linux-i386.bin: line 27:
./fgs_installer.sh: No such file or directory

can Anyone help me


ing. Gianni Bassini (MNE Cefriel 2001)
System Administrator - Webmaster Provincia di Cremona
C.so Vittorio Emanuele II, 17 - 26100 Cremona (CR)
tel 0372-406246 - gianni.bassini at provincia.cremona.it

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