[FGS] fgs-chameleon - some samples not working

Normand Savard nsavard at mapgears.com
Thu Jul 19 13:38:45 EDT 2007

Alan Hale wrote:

>I have not had any further response to this issue so would like to raise it again. To summarise, I have installed fgs-chameleon 2.2.1 - 1.3 on Fedora Core 6, to /opt/fgs/. I have not changed any of the default settings, conf files etc. What I have found is that some of the sample applications run (e.g. all the basic widget samples, the XML Theme legend sample) but many do not e.g. sample_enhanced.phtml. This latter fails with the following error:
>*Fatal error*: Maximum execution time of 120 seconds exceeded in 
>/opt/fgs/apps/chameleon-2.4.1/htdocs/widgets/TrueNorth/TrueNorth.widget.php on line 198
>(I find the timeout puzzling in itself since in the fgs httpd.conf file timeout is set to 300 secs).
>This problem is not Fedora specific - I've now tested on Ubuntu 6.06 with the same result.
>I notice this same issue has been reported on the chameleon list twice earlier this year without any resolution.
>My chameleon samples are at:

I checked the Chameleon samples and you were right.  I get the same 
error.  I'm building a new fgs package with Chameleon 2.4.1 instead of 
trying to debug this version of Chameleon (2.2).  I think it will be 
more valuable.  I let you know when I'm done.


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