[FGS] messages when installing modules

Normand Savard nsavard at mapgears.com
Wed Aug 19 10:12:14 EST 2009

Pena Kupen wrote:
> Hello Norm,
> On CentOs 5.3?
> Can you post your commands to me, so that I can test with same?
> What is yourr root's umask?

I'm not an administrator could you provide me more information about how 
to get the root's umask?

I tested on Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid.

I followed these steps to install php_pgsql:
sh fgs-mapserver_basic_5.4.2-fgs_9.5-linux-i386.bin
. setenv.sh
fgs install php_pgsql-module

That's it.


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