[FGS] Starting apache error: httpd cannot execute binary file

Normand Savard nsavard at mapgears.com
Tue Nov 3 10:12:02 EST 2009

Hao Zhang wrote:
> Installing PEAR environment:      /home/FGS/fgs-dev/built/php/lib/php/
> make[1]: *** [install-pear-installer] Segmentation fault
> make: *** [install-pear] Error 2
> ! ./fgs_install: Fatal error returned, exiting...
> ! /home/FGS/fgs-dev/bin/fgs_build_pkg.sh: Fatal error returned, exiting...
> ! /home/FGS/fgs-dev/bin/fgs_build_all.sh: Fatal error returned, exiting...

I have never met such problem before but I found on google that it may 
depend on the compiler or the php version.  To have a clue of what is 
happening you could compile php in debug mode:

in fgs-dev/src/php_version/
./fgs_build --debug

or you could try to use PHP 5.3.0 to see if you meet the same issue.



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