[FGS] Starting apache error: httpd cannot execute binary file

Hao Zhang hao at zhang.nu
Wed Nov 4 06:11:08 EST 2009

Hi Norm,

Now I have run the correct self-installer create command: (I have excluded
'base' in the given module names, correct action?)

fgsdev build_si mapserver_basic_5.2.1 1.0.1 agg-lib apache-base
apache_mod_ssl-module curl-lib expat-base freetds-lib freetype-lib gdal-base
gdal_python-module gd-lib geos-lib gettext-base jpeg-lib libgcc-lib
libgeotiff-lib libiconv-base libpng-lib libstdc++-lib libungif-base
libxml2-base libxslt-lib mapserver-base mapserver-php ming-lib openssl-lib
php-base php_curl-module php_ftp-module php_gettext-module php_mssql-module
php_odbc-module php_ogr-module php_pgsql-module php_wddx-module
php_xmlrpc-module php_xsl-module postgis-lib postgresql-lib
postgresql-server proj4_epsg42xxx-support proj-lib python-base
python_mapscript-module sablotron-base tiff-lib unixODBC-base xerces_c-base


* Creating archive file containing all required FGS modules...
+ Including base module... ok
! Conflicting version for 'curl-lib': Another(s) package(s) request(s)
! and 'gdal-base' requests '7.19.4', aborting.
! /home/FGS/fgs-dev/bin/fgsdev: Fatal error returned, exiting...
* Creating self-extracting archive script
* Self installer image created with success in
* Versions info file is

But the built curl-lib version is 7.19.4
(fgs-curl-lib-7.19.4-linux-sparc64.tar.gz), why will it still complain?


On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 11:52 AM, Hao Zhang <hao at zhang.nu> wrote:

> Hi Norm,
> Sorry, I think I find the reason which is that I provide wrong module names
> to command 'fgsdev build_si'. I thought the module name shoud be the
> *.tar.gz file name which was wrong. It could be better to give some example
> of how to use those fgsdev commands in the right way on the official webpage
> as well as fgsdev help output text.
> Regards,
> Hao
> On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 11:34 AM, Hao Zhang <hao at zhang.nu> wrote:
>> Hi Norm,
>> You are right. I investigated the error myself before receiving your
>> answer yesterday and found the same clue as you gave which is to compile php
>> in debug mode. What I did is to simply edit fgs-dev/pkg_def/php/fgs_build
>> file to enable the flag "--enable-debug". Then it will go through that
>> install-pear-installer Segmentation fault error. I did try PHP 5.3.0 but it
>> will encounter the same issue if not compiling in debug mode. The version of
>> php I built is 5.2.11.
>> Then I started building mapserver 5.4.2, but when it came to compile in
>> the directory mapscript/php3, it encountered a lot of "undefined reference
>> to" errors and aborted. Then I tried to build mapserver 5.2.1 instead and
>> luckily it did not encounter any error and well built.
>> After mapserver 5.2.1 was built, I continued building python_mapscript
>> module. But it encountered compile error such as:
>> [... ...]
>> + Creating new package in
>> /home/FGS/fgs-dev/modules/python_mapscript-module.
>> + Copying skeleton from
>> /home/FGS/fgs-dev/pkg_def/python_mapscript/module.skeleton to
>> /home/FGS/fgs-dev/modules/python_mapscript-module
>> cp: cannot stat `build/lib.linux-i686-2.5/_mapscript.so': No such file or
>> directory
>> ! ./fgs_install: Fatal error returned, exiting...
>> ! /home/FGS/fgs-dev/bin/fgs_build_pkg.sh: Fatal error returned, exiting...
>> ! /home/FGS/fgs-dev/bin/fgs_build_all.sh: Fatal error returned, exiting...
>> I found the cause of this error is that in
>> fgs-dev/pkg_def/python_mapscript/fgs_build file, "lib.linux-i686" is
>> indicated. So command 'cp build/lib.linux-i686-2.5/_mapscript.so' will fail
>> because the correct directory should be 'build/lib.linux-sparc64-2.5' which
>> depends on my target sparc64 system. Thus, I modified this fgs_build file
>> and python_mapscript module is well built.
>> After all these neccessary modules finally get built successfully, I start
>> to run command "fgsdev build_si mapserver_basic_5.2.1 1.0.1
>> fgs-agg-lib-2.4-linux-sparc64.tar.gz _module_name_N_ ..." to build self
>> installer containing all the modules needed. But at this time, I encounter
>> the final error:
>> * Creating archive file containing all required FGS modules...
>> + Including base module... ok
>> ! Module 'fgs-agg-lib-2.4-linux-sparc64.tar.gz' doesn't have VERSION file
>> '/home/FGS/fgs-dev/modules/fgs-agg-lib-2.4-linux-sparc64.tar.gz/etc/fgs/pkgs/fgs-agg-lib-2.4-linux-sparc64.tar.gz/VERSION'
>> or maybe this is because the
>> name of the module is wrong (verify in '/home/FGS/fgs-dev/modules')
>> ! /home/FGS/fgs-dev/bin/fgsdev: Fatal error returned, exiting...
>> * Creating self-extracting archive script
>> * Self installer image created with success in
>> '/home/FGS/fgs-dev/modules/fgs-mapserver_basic_5.2.1-1.0.1-linux-sparc64.bin'.
>> * Versions info file is
>> '/home/FGS/fgs-dev/modules/fgs-mapserver_basic_5.2.1-1.0.1-linux-sparc64.versions'.
>> Could you help me to point out what could be the root cause of this error?
>> Regards,
>> Hao
>> On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 4:12 PM, Normand Savard <nsavard at mapgears.com>wrote:
>>> Hao Zhang wrote:
>>>> Installing PEAR environment:      /home/FGS/fgs-dev/built/php/lib/php/
>>>> make[1]: *** [install-pear-installer] Segmentation fault
>>>> make: *** [install-pear] Error 2
>>>> ! ./fgs_install: Fatal error returned, exiting...
>>>> ! /home/FGS/fgs-dev/bin/fgs_build_pkg.sh: Fatal error returned,
>>>> exiting...
>>>> ! /home/FGS/fgs-dev/bin/fgs_build_all.sh: Fatal error returned,
>>>> exiting...
>>>>  Hao,
>>> I have never met such problem before but I found on google that it may
>>> depend on the compiler or the php version.  To have a clue of what is
>>> happening you could compile php in debug mode:
>>> in fgs-dev/src/php_version/
>>> ./fgs_build --debug
>>> ./fgs_install
>>> or you could try to use PHP 5.3.0 to see if you meet the same issue.
>>> http://www.mail-archive.com/php-bugs@lists.php.net/msg102985.html
>>> Norm
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