[FGS] Starting apache error: httpd cannot execute binary file

Hao Zhang hao at zhang.nu
Wed Nov 4 05:52:37 EST 2009

Hi Norm,

Sorry, I think I find the reason which is that I provide wrong module names
to command 'fgsdev build_si'. I thought the module name shoud be the
*.tar.gz file name which was wrong. It could be better to give some example
of how to use those fgsdev commands in the right way on the official webpage
as well as fgsdev help output text.


On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 11:34 AM, Hao Zhang <hao at zhang.nu> wrote:

> Hi Norm,
> You are right. I investigated the error myself before receiving your answer
> yesterday and found the same clue as you gave which is to compile php in
> debug mode. What I did is to simply edit fgs-dev/pkg_def/php/fgs_build file
> to enable the flag "--enable-debug". Then it will go through that
> install-pear-installer Segmentation fault error. I did try PHP 5.3.0 but it
> will encounter the same issue if not compiling in debug mode. The version of
> php I built is 5.2.11.
> Then I started building mapserver 5.4.2, but when it came to compile in the
> directory mapscript/php3, it encountered a lot of "undefined reference to"
> errors and aborted. Then I tried to build mapserver 5.2.1 instead and
> luckily it did not encounter any error and well built.
> After mapserver 5.2.1 was built, I continued building python_mapscript
> module. But it encountered compile error such as:
> [... ...]
> + Creating new package in
> /home/FGS/fgs-dev/modules/python_mapscript-module.
> + Copying skeleton from
> /home/FGS/fgs-dev/pkg_def/python_mapscript/module.skeleton to
> /home/FGS/fgs-dev/modules/python_mapscript-module
> cp: cannot stat `build/lib.linux-i686-2.5/_mapscript.so': No such file or
> directory
> ! ./fgs_install: Fatal error returned, exiting...
> ! /home/FGS/fgs-dev/bin/fgs_build_pkg.sh: Fatal error returned, exiting...
> ! /home/FGS/fgs-dev/bin/fgs_build_all.sh: Fatal error returned, exiting...
> I found the cause of this error is that in
> fgs-dev/pkg_def/python_mapscript/fgs_build file, "lib.linux-i686" is
> indicated. So command 'cp build/lib.linux-i686-2.5/_mapscript.so' will fail
> because the correct directory should be 'build/lib.linux-sparc64-2.5' which
> depends on my target sparc64 system. Thus, I modified this fgs_build file
> and python_mapscript module is well built.
> After all these neccessary modules finally get built successfully, I start
> to run command "fgsdev build_si mapserver_basic_5.2.1 1.0.1
> fgs-agg-lib-2.4-linux-sparc64.tar.gz _module_name_N_ ..." to build self
> installer containing all the modules needed. But at this time, I encounter
> the final error:
> * Creating archive file containing all required FGS modules...
> + Including base module... ok
> ! Module 'fgs-agg-lib-2.4-linux-sparc64.tar.gz' doesn't have VERSION file
> '/home/FGS/fgs-dev/modules/fgs-agg-lib-2.4-linux-sparc64.tar.gz/etc/fgs/pkgs/fgs-agg-lib-2.4-linux-sparc64.tar.gz/VERSION'
> or maybe this is because the
> name of the module is wrong (verify in '/home/FGS/fgs-dev/modules')
> ! /home/FGS/fgs-dev/bin/fgsdev: Fatal error returned, exiting...
> * Creating self-extracting archive script
> * Self installer image created with success in
> '/home/FGS/fgs-dev/modules/fgs-mapserver_basic_5.2.1-1.0.1-linux-sparc64.bin'.
> * Versions info file is
> '/home/FGS/fgs-dev/modules/fgs-mapserver_basic_5.2.1-1.0.1-linux-sparc64.versions'.
> Could you help me to point out what could be the root cause of this error?
> Regards,
> Hao
> On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 4:12 PM, Normand Savard <nsavard at mapgears.com>wrote:
>> Hao Zhang wrote:
>>> Installing PEAR environment:      /home/FGS/fgs-dev/built/php/lib/php/
>>> make[1]: *** [install-pear-installer] Segmentation fault
>>> make: *** [install-pear] Error 2
>>> ! ./fgs_install: Fatal error returned, exiting...
>>> ! /home/FGS/fgs-dev/bin/fgs_build_pkg.sh: Fatal error returned,
>>> exiting...
>>> ! /home/FGS/fgs-dev/bin/fgs_build_all.sh: Fatal error returned,
>>> exiting...
>>>  Hao,
>> I have never met such problem before but I found on google that it may
>> depend on the compiler or the php version.  To have a clue of what is
>> happening you could compile php in debug mode:
>> in fgs-dev/src/php_version/
>> ./fgs_build --debug
>> ./fgs_install
>> or you could try to use PHP 5.3.0 to see if you meet the same issue.
>> http://www.mail-archive.com/php-bugs@lists.php.net/msg102985.html
>> Norm
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