[FWTools] Signature Analysis Tool

ecollage ecollage at vsnl.net
Sun Mar 5 15:04:20 EST 2006


I'm working with Ned Horning on developing a set of classification tools
(described briefly in a message to the openev-list a couple of weeks
ago). Thus far, I've got the first stage in a supervised process going
(signature analysis) and would be grateful for feedback from anybody
with the time (will send the Tool file on request: 44kb).

I know this is a shortcut, but I'm looking for ready libraries that can
handle the actual classifications. Andrey/Iscander's ISODATA Tool is
available and will be provided as an option. I googled and found ADaM
(http://datamining.itsc.uah.edu), which seems perfect to implement as
part of this set of tools, but I haven't been able to make the calls
from OpenEV - has anybody else had some luck? Also found PyCluster
(comes with BioPython; www.biopython.org), but this seems tailored for
gene micro-array analysis. Has anybody used this lib for image

If you can help, I promise to trouble you with a load of questions.

Warmest regards

Sujoy Chaudhuri
Pune, India

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