[FWTools] Problem using option t_srs with FWTools 1.0.7 and above (Windows)

Eduardo Luís Garcia Escovar eduardo.escovar at 3wt.com.br
Thu Nov 16 14:20:12 EST 2006

Hi list,

I have been using FWTools (Windows version) since version 1.0.0.
It used to work fine, but then I upgraded to the 1.0.7 version and since 
then the option "-t_srs" is not working properly.
Today I have upgraded to version 1.0.9, but the problem is still there.

I am importing a TAB file to PostGIS, and I want to transform the output 
SRS to EPSG:4326. Instead, ogr2ogr is creating a "new" SRS 32767 in 
PostGIS (this new SRS has identical properties compared to 4326).

Have anyone experienced the same problem?


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