[FWTools] Convert GPX to shapefile

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at dmsolutions.ca
Tue Jun 19 13:16:42 EDT 2007

There was a recent thread on this same topic on the GDAL mailing list 


Jeff Bullard wrote:
> Are there any plans to include a converter for GPX data in FW Tools?  I 
> have written in Python a converter from GPX to shapefile using OGR 
> module.  It currently converts only routes, since that was my need.  I'm 
> considering extending the script to a full converter for waypoints and 
> tracks also.
> Just wondering if someone has already done this and I have missed it.  I 
> found gpx2shp written in C but it hasn't worked for me.  I've seen many 
> other GPS users are looking for the same solution.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Jeff McKenna
DM Solutions Group Inc.

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