[FWTools] convert an NDF image file to GEOTIFF

Kim M Rinehart krine at usgs.gov
Wed May 23 11:50:09 EDT 2007

Using gdal_translate, what is the proper syntax to convert an NDF image 
file to GEOTIFF?  Also, with NDF format, there is an image file for each 
band.  Is there a way to convert all bands with one command or do you have 
to convert each one separately?



Kim M. Rinehart
Software Engineer
Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)
Technical Support Services at the U.S. Geological Survey Earth Resources 
Observation and Science (USGS/EROS)
47914 252nd Street
Sioux Falls, SD   57198-0001

Voice: (605) 594-2503
Fax:    (605) 594-6940
Email: krine at usgs.gov
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