[FWTools] Re: FWTools Digest, Vol 37, Issue 13

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at loskot.net
Wed Nov 21 20:34:25 EST 2007

abe.zhu wrote:
> FWTools is a set of Open Source GIS binaries for Windows (win32) and
> Linux (x86 32bit) systems produced by me, Frank Warmerdam (ie. FW).
> The kits are intended to be easy for end users to install and get
> going with. No fudzing with building from source, or having to
> collect lots of interrelated packages. FWTools includes OpenEV, GDAL,
> MapServer, PROJ.4 and OGDI as well as some supporting components.


> I did not know  what's the mean of "Open Source GIS binaries".

Read the whole sentence and it should be clear.

> I think it's only a free software, not a open source software.

FWTools is not an Open Source software, but it's "a set of" Open Source
software binaries.

> I need
> the source code because I want to learn the details.

Take a look at "Subpackages" section and follow links to websites of
these software packages. All they are Open Source and you will find
source code on their websites/repositories.

FWTools is just a bundle of binaries of existing software packages,
it's not a standalone Open Source software.

As you've read in first words of FWTools website:

"FWTools is a set of Open Source GIS binaries"

Mateusz Loskot

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