[FWTools] Gdal_translate "Too many command options"

Brotzman, Karl D. Karl.Brotzman at gd-ais.com
Thu Oct 11 13:49:09 EDT 2007

I'm a new user!  I'm sure I'm doing something odd, but I sure don't see


I feed the following command string to my FWTools Shell on a PC running


     gdal_translate -ot Float32 -of Gtiff -co "COMPRESS=LZ77" -a_srs
"WGS84" bathy.asc bathy.tif 


It tells me "Too many command options." Shows me Usage, and the format
drivers.  I've tried eliminating commands and options one at a time, and
in different orders.  For example, I eliminate the -co "COMPRESS=LZ77".
I get results when I've paired down my command string to just


     gdal_translate bathy.asc bathy.tif


I did start out with gdalwin32exe142.zip yesterday, but received the
same results.  I deleted that executable, and the environment variable
and modification to the %PATH for it.  I'm sure I'm executing FWTools
because the Console Window says "FWTools Shell", and the prompt is
C:\Program Files\FWTools1.3.7> 


I just don't see what I'm doing wrong.






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